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  1. Narcissus

    No poop all day!

    You need to force feed critical care. At least 60 ml. A day. I try for 100 ml if they are sick.
  2. Narcissus

    Puff who doesn't like hay

    I always feed timothy hay. But, I also give small amount of different types of hay every day with their normal amount of timothy. I use alfalfa, meadow grass, orchard grass and blue grass. You can also try different brands.
  3. Narcissus

    Puff who doesn't like hay

    When I have a chin that doesn't want to eat hay I take a gallon sized baggie, put a pinch or two of mint leaves in it with a handful or two of hay. Let it sit over night. The next day I pull the hay out (which now smells like mint) and give it to them. I've never had a chin not eat "mint...
  4. Narcissus


    Yes. One unit of a FN cage is plenty big enough for two chins. But depending on how big they are when you get them you might need to baby proof the cage
  5. Narcissus

    vision impairment due to color mutation?

    Typically blindness comes from the animal being albino. Chins with pink eyes are not albino, so I don't believe there would be any vision loss due to eye color.
  6. Narcissus

    Chinchilla is losing weight, vet recommends supplement please help

    You'll drive yourself crazy weighing every day. Weigh him once a week. I would recommend if he has lost a significant amount of weight that the vet check his teeth and possible run a blood panel. I would also suggest a fecal test.
  7. Narcissus

    Teeth removal

    It is my opinion that putting the animal to sleep would be the kindest thing. It doesn't ever get better, only worse.
  8. Narcissus

    Baby chinchilla is having seizures

    Facts are facts. It has been proven time and time again, out of cage play time for chins under 6 months old can cause hypoglycemia. Which in turn causes seizures. in the wild chins are den dwellers coming out at dawn and dusk for food. They are not running around using up their energy. also...
  9. Narcissus

    Female chinchilla mounting male chinchilla

    Yes. It is an act of dominance. But, more importantly, are your chins pedigreed? Breeding quality? Ages? Just to get a better idea of the situation.
  10. Narcissus

    Silly question

    i have a line of whites that continuously throw chins with the same pattern. but it would depend on the genetics of the animals used. yes, a white ebony can look just like a standard mosaic. i have several ebony whites that are mostly white with dark around the tail an ears.
  11. Narcissus

    i'm a chin grandma!!!!

    I can't wait to see my chin great grand babies!! I'm gonna have to make a trip to come see them!
  12. Narcissus

    chin breeder in Utah

    I'm located in Idaho and travel to Utah often. Just in case Casey doesn't have what your looking for :)
  13. Narcissus

    Chinchilla Cancer?

    Is it possible the vet meant maloculison or root elongation and your friend just misunderstood it to be cancer?
  14. Narcissus

    My bored Chinchilla

    That cage is a FANTASTIC cage. There is no need to get another one. It is plenty big enough for two chins if you decide to get another one. But you'll need a back up cage for quarentine and then for emergencies. But, most chins actually enjoy some "alone" time. As long as you are giving him...
  15. Narcissus

    *sigh* Unsafe pine wood, right?

    If it was bought from a lumber store then it is kiln dried.
  16. Narcissus

    double chins for the low

    A/C is a must when you own chins. Especially when you live in a hot climate. There is really no way around it, you'll need a window unit A/C for the room they are in or keep the house in general at 70 lower.
  17. Narcissus

    Colorado Chapter ECBC Show February 7, 2015, Ft. Collins

    Cuddlebug, how much dust are you looking to buy?
  18. Narcissus

    Preemie-day 4

    I really think the OP means a chinchilla kit. She just mistakingly called it a kitten.
  19. Narcissus

    Preemie-day 4

    I think she means a kit. ....
  20. Narcissus

    Cost for Malocclusion Treatment?

    You can "treat" it for awhile. But there is no cure, it only gets worse and eventually fatal. I can't imagine the amount of pain roots growing into your skull would cause.... but for me, the choice will always be to euthanize. Everybody has to make that decision for your self.