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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kerri101

    Chinchillas and heat.

    window sills are sometimes a high vantage point...chins like to be higher up and mine seems to look around in the sill ...the sill may be his way of looking out and a perch for him ....I only let my chin in the sill at night because I know with the windows and sun coming through its not a good...
  2. kerri101

    ButtonWillow Turns 2!

    That is sooo cute she got tuckered out from playing with her toy Happy Bday !!!!!!!!!
  3. kerri101

    Broken front arm

    heres the link to the humane society vet assistance there are a lot of links here, you can probably work out a payment plan Im thinking your from from area from ur forum name...this is for the USA
  4. kerri101

    Are Petsmart chins okay?

    I bought my chin from a pet store....shes been with me 7 months.....she has had no health issues so far.....One concern I do have with chins and its just how I think is when they are in pet stores/previous owners/anywhere if have they had access to proper chews because a chin that has been in...
  5. kerri101

    Happy Birthday Twilight Chinchilla (Christine)!

    Happy Birthday hope you have a fun filled day!!!!!!!!!!
  6. kerri101

    Death balls

    I noticed they have huge plastic/rubber death balls at the fairs for humans and inside the people say they are pure nasty and smell and nasty sweat in them and if I would not want to ever get in that why would my chin or any other animal ewww ....I cant belive people would pay to...
  7. kerri101

    fruit/sugar and bloat/stasis

    yes if you think about how a chins stomach and digestive system is so small compared to a few small pieces of fruit....even though people think well a few raisins or fruit is not a lot it really is a large amount to digest and break that tiny bit of sugar ends up being a lot to process...
  8. kerri101

    warning call

    My chin warning calls when she wants out or attention its scared the heck out of me the first few times she did it...sometimes i call it the "I want" call
  9. kerri101

    I am surprised that he is OK!

    Oh wow I am so glad the chinchilla was found and not running around in the streets that is so scary I cant imagine a poor chin outside !
  10. kerri101

    Roommate Allergic

    It may not be the chin that your roomate would be allergic to ....but the dust and the hay that can trigger allergies which chins need at all times ( hay ) and dusting a few times a week.or even the shavings ( you could use fleece)....I am allergic to all things myself but control my allergies...
  11. kerri101

    Blackberry bushes

    Ohhh how nice I have some huge untreated wild blackberry bushes on my property....I know they have never been sprayed since they grew out of a pile of dirt we moved 12 years ago!!!! I will have to try and see if chin likes this !
  12. kerri101

    Sleeping a lot?

    I think personally when any pet comes from a different environment many months may pass before coming out of a me classrooms and unstable living can be stressful to an animal...true you have had her since November but all this is new to her its good that she is now in a stable home...
  13. kerri101

    Could Teeth Grinding be nothing to worry about?

    My chin will grind when she wants more treat...or sometimes when she is wanting long as eating/pooping/chewing and there is no signs of pain some chins will do this Ive seen a few others mention this too...I know it sounds soooo weird!
  14. kerri101

    Question about pine shaving?

    Thank you for the information....I saw a few threads where pine shavings were preferred...I spot clean daily and cage clean 2 times a week or more but many say pine smells better then aspen...I cant use fleece as chilla wants to chew it sigh... fleece is so pretty and snuggly
  15. kerri101

    Nice to see some changes

    That is great that people are willing to be educated and making changes....I have to admit a lot of places just dont know about chin care....I am so glad I was able to find a place here with good information.... this site has really helped me care for my chin proper...
  16. kerri101

    Happy Mothers day to all

    That was a really nice gift! I went to the flea market and then shopping and ended buying my kids gifts lol...but we had a good day!
  17. kerri101

    Question about pine shaving?

    I want to switch from aspen to pine....Ive head many say pine smells better.....but when I went to two pet stores I asked if the pine shavings are kiln dried and they had no idea what I was taking about.....are there any brands that people know are kiln dried pine safe shavings thanks :)
  18. kerri101

    Happy Mothers day to all

    happy Mothers day to all !!!! Moms day is not just for moms but for anyone who has been or had a positive role model in their life!!!! So enjoy the day !!!!and happy Mothers day to all!!!
  19. kerri101

    What types of bedding have you tried?

    I tried carefresh when I got my chin the petstore advised me to use it....chin tried to eat it didnt work I switched THAT right I use aspen ....
  20. kerri101

    To old to be single?

    definitely not old at all!!! better to be single then end up in a relationship that does not work out or meet your expectations...many people who are in relationships are not happy at all just from my own expedience...