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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kerri101

    How big of a toy do you need for three girls?

    Nice toy and wow you have very pretty colored chins thats so cute they are sharing!
  2. kerri101

    are these items from petsmart ok?

    yes the oxbow hay/pellets/ blue cloud dust is all good and safe from petsmart
  3. kerri101

    are these items from petsmart ok?

    yes the oxbow hay/pellets/ blue cloud dust is all good and safe from petsmart there are vendors who sell some supplies in the classified's as well...
  4. kerri101

    cage needs.

    I have had the chin-chiller and my chin never ever sits on it ...Im to worried about the metal ball as it hangs and Im scared chin would get stuck I hear a lot about how they are not very for the hay holder I have a wooden one that attaches to the cage side...and every morning its...
  5. kerri101

    female chin doing stuff to glass objects?

    My female chin will go near a empty glass mug or candle holder or anything round and ceramic and will try to get as close to it and I think she is humping it this normal??? she will get on her hind legs and do a little shuffle to the object and do weird things ....does she need a cuddle...
  6. kerri101

    Chew stick/ block quality from Petsmart?

    These are the best chew sticks I found and reasonable in price....3.39 was the last I paid with my card oh they are still one sale....I have one chin a bundle last me a week and I give 3-4 each night they are good willow sticks my chin LOVES them when u go to look at the bundles they have...
  7. kerri101

    Where do you buy wood for shelves??

    I have found lumber yards to be useful when not wanting to go to home depot or lowes...I just googled for you maybe call these lumber yards I agree its a nice value to buy a 10 piece of wood and have tons of shelves the hardware to make them is cheap too Heartland Hardwoods 800 Wisconsin St #...
  8. kerri101

    Escaped Chinchilla!

    glad you caught the chinchilla!!!
  9. kerri101

    Calling in her sleep

    sometimes they just do it .....mine uses it as a come let me out call.... as long as they are eating /pooping /acting normal and no ones intruding on there space its ok maybe chin was sleep barking and dreaming LOL
  10. kerri101

    Escaped Chinchilla!

    yes two people def help if you need to catch a chin....I would be concerned about leaving chin out for a long time because if you go they can chew wires...and eat /ingest other stuff....laying a cardboard box with hay and food may help corral chin....some love boxes my chin loves to jump in...
  11. kerri101

    Uhoh some babies are here

    great job monitoring the baby chins that is great they are doing better ! Im not sure about dust bath as I have not had newborns but I know someone will know this answer!
  12. kerri101

    Getting another chinchilla.. have a few questions!

    If its fur chewing from boredom there is a chance it may go away....My chin was a fur chewer from the pet store but knock in wood she has not fur chewed since I have had her her fur is all grown back and no signs of the fur chewing!! I know some will do it for life but its possible if its...
  13. kerri101

    Are your chins collectors aswell?

    my chin has the one spot by the front of the cage by the door where she does all her"stick chibbling" there are only stick remnants and pieces hoarded right in that one spot !
  14. kerri101

    Whos Chin has playtime Pooping Party's in Special Spots?

    I know chins have non control of where they really poop in the cage BUT when my chin is out at playtime there are certain designated spots she poops all the time... 1- under my bedside table at the bottom cubby 2- in my window sill 3- under the blanket if I make a chinny tunnel which I stopped...
  15. kerri101

    Why a hedgehog should NOT be housed with a Guinea Pig

    so glad hedgie has got a good home now ouch that poor little thing gosh u think after they saw a small spot they would have removed them from being together to just keep letting hedgies get chewed up like that makes me so sad
  16. kerri101

    Will this work?

    That cage has 7/8 space so thats a little less then an inch ....actually that spacing is smaller then the ferret nation Wire Spacing: 1" X 5 5/8" if escape is an issue the smaller one you posted may be better ( with the plastic ramps removed) then the ferret nation which has wider spacing...
  17. kerri101

    Will this work?

    that is similar to a ferret /critter old is you chin? mine at least 3/4 year age unknown because of no history and can still squeeze through 1/1/2 space...I know this because she sneaks though a space under my bureau that I had to barricade....another option is to use wire to...
  18. kerri101

    Chins and cats?

    I have 2 cats and a Chin ....the doors are open in rooms BUT I covered my chin cage in wire I was worried cats would swipe paws somehow even though the cage is high up with no rooms for the cats to sit near it the wire stops cats poking through the bars and germs with cats to chin transmission...
  19. kerri101

    Do chins and cats get along??

    I agree if you ever have a chin and a cat what spoof said "block off underneath the door" not only can a chin sneak under a crack but a cats paw can swipe too....I have a serious block off I do when chin comes in my room for play I have chin and cats but I have to take very special precautions...
  20. kerri101

    Leaving a pet in the car on a hot day

    no animal or anyone deserves to be left in the car when its hot out...even with windows down it can get excessively hot factoring in humidity pets cant say Im hot or open the door and get out....a few weeks ago on the news some people left there few month old baby in the car while they shopped...