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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kerri101

    Long time lurker, finally a member. :-)

    welcome to the forum !! OH MY That baby chin is so cute I always get happy to see a cute chin pic!!!
  2. kerri101

    A Few Questions...

    if you post what kind of questions you are stuck on I bet we could help ! its great you are researching can save money on things knowing what supplies are good and be prepared when I got my chin I had to throw all the stuff out that came with her!
  3. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    Thanks I just know I have feelings when I see animals who need help I actually have an application on hold at the pet store in case they need any extra help I probably went to school for the wrong major lol but I need to def stay out of pet stores wanting to" help" I eventually will run out of...
  4. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    argh I was writing and refreshed the chin was adopted by my good friend and taking to the vet and is on Baytril and Metacam there was an infection/abscess in the mouth now X rays where taking and the vet said its not the roots of the teeth but tooth overgrown had to be filed ..and probably...
  5. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    we are in Deerfield NH hes about 15 mins away Im going to call as soon as they open today
  6. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    if I was looking at chin and his face was pointing to the left side it would be on the side facing us,Im going to inquire and see what they are asking for him and if they may possibly wave the fees for me to take the chin to a vet. thats definitely some good info this is why I was concerned...
  7. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    thanks are these conditions if it was abscess,cyst, or tumor painful for a chin? Im torn I dont want to see a animal sitting in the pet store in pain !!!!!
  8. kerri101

    Question about growth on chin face

    There was a chin at a pet store....hes up for adoption/re-homing....he has this weird growth ( like a huge bubble) on one side of his mouth you can see it the size of a golfball OMG !!! what could it be ? the person at the store said it was because he was overweight I feel differently...the chin...
  9. kerri101

    First Blue Diamond born here!

    OHH MY what a cute baby !!!!! Its really cute and neat how you can hold him in your hand I think my next chin when I am ready on day will be a baby !
  10. kerri101

    Chapped Feet?

    Bag balm found at walmart or a drug store can help and its pretty easy to find.
  11. kerri101

    can you use this for chinchillas?

    they are the bamboo shredders on the bird toys they have tons of them on them sorry should have been more precise.....they are very soft and dont splinter they are like paper
  12. kerri101

    can you use this for chinchillas?

    I just got a ton of safe bird toys that were on clearance for my chin...I noticed the bird toys are easier to get then chin toys...bird toys with bamboo.... safe woods are great a few times there was some cardboard/unsafe stuff on the bird toys so I just disassembled them tossed the unsafe parts...
  13. kerri101

    Hello :]

    hello and welcome to the forum :wave
  14. kerri101

    Whos chins bang and pull on cage doors when wanting out???

    I know I never knew a chin could bang and rattle the door so much!!!! she did get out once when we first got her....I didnt even think she would open the door I blamed everyone in the house that they must have left a latch undone until I saw with my own eyes that she opened the bottom latch...
  15. kerri101

    Whos chins bang and pull on cage doors when wanting out???

    My chin gets touchy and continues to rattle the latch on the cage doors like a crazed chinchilla!! she is I guess angry and impatient but I am sick so shes not getting out until I am shes giving the evil eye lol...even with plenty of new toys she just got she is uninterested in...
  16. kerri101

    Oxbow Treats

    ditto I bought the timothy cheerios too I even tired breaking then up as she likes stuff smaller at times...threw them on the ground! I did use the Lavender-Chamomile chin did like that for sure!
  17. kerri101

    Chew items

    My chin got tired with pumic so I alternate with a blue cloud chew rock she seems to like chew sticks she has not gotten tired of....cost wise its a lot cheaper to prepare your own wood or buy from wood can be 4-5 bucks for 6 tiny apple sticks...
  18. kerri101

    my new Bengal kitten

    Beautiful cat ! I have always loved the exotic looking cats very much congrats on your new kitty!
  19. kerri101

    they're trying to drive me insane!!!

    sneaky chins !!!!! yes I agree chins are up to mischief !!!! Mine gets demanding when she wants out she actually picks at the lock with willow sticks and releases the latch so I had to secure a top latch so she can not get out...chins are very smart !!!!!!! I cant even imagine dealing with soggy...
  20. kerri101

    Switching foods

    you can switch her to new food such as oxbow and do a cold switch which would mean dumping all the old food out and only using the new food....were she had food with not so healthy stuff in it she can be picky for a little while ...keep plenty of fresh hay for her at all times and if you are...