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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kerri101

    Boba & Tea, my newborn chinchillas! :D

    That is so cute!!!!! I have seen some of your other chin videos when I was browsing the net for cute chins !!!!! The babies are so adorable I am hoping now now but later down the road if all goes well to add a baby to my house too!!!!!
  2. kerri101

    My chin doesn't really chew...

    Is she eating , pooping , and drinking ok ? My chin will play with a stick for a few then throw them away but as soon as I turn my back she is chibbling away ...shes does a lot of chewing at night lol may also try using different safe woods I know my chin does not like a lot of the pet...
  3. kerri101


    I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful chin Darrell
  4. kerri101

    Hey there folks!

    welcome !!! hope to see some pics so cool wow 6!!!!
  5. kerri101

    vet check up, what to expect and weird bark/call

    The barking is normal they will do it when they hear a noise....want attention or some just bark lol Mine did that the first night I got her home and I had NO idea they even made that noise scared me right out of bed !! As for check ups not a lot of people bring chins in to have a check up...
  6. kerri101

    Are you going shopping black Friday?

    NOoooOOOOo I am a very small short person I hate getting trampled and hit with shopping carts lol sadly a lot of the people are very pushy and rude and seem to get all crazy for cheaper stuff!!!! I go shopping late at night or early when people are at work
  7. kerri101

    Terrible things pet store people say

    I think some people who work in pet stores generally do not have animals best interest in mind or are even educated and trained happens from chain stores to dirty little independent stores..a lot of pet stores here = profit so they will sell all that unsafe overpriced product and...
  8. kerri101

    4 day old baby chin missing

    so good to hear this such good news baby is with mom !!!!!!!!!!! I know its crazy to loose a pet once my indoor cat ran out and I was Nuts also my cat hid in the mattress once and had a hole there I freaked right out missing my cat in my own house !!!
  9. kerri101


    welcome to the forum :waves hope to see some pics too!!!!
  10. kerri101

    Getting ready for my first chinchilla

    good to see you are doing some research there are a few nice cages for a chinchilla theres critter nations around 190 -200 for a double unit
  11. kerri101

    Will my chinchilla's coat ever grow back?

    I think she is very unique and still beautiful!!!!
  12. kerri101

    My Daughter Needs Your Vote for School Project

    helped out !!!!
  13. kerri101

    Chinchilla Tantrums?

    yup mine has the let me out tantrums and will sit and bang bang bang the door of the cage she bangs so loud you can hear it all the way down the house rattling the doors ..I cant believe its so loud !!!!!!!
  14. kerri101

    Hurricane Sandy and Emergency preparednes

    I have seen so much stuff on the news parts are still without power here but its nothing compared to the NJ and NY area I am keeping those in NH /NJ in my thoughts and hope things improve for you all faster!
  15. kerri101

    I made a new cage!!

    Thats a really nice big area for heddgie to run and play in ! Nice job
  16. kerri101

    Re: Hurricane Sandy and C&H members

    We live in NH and lost power about 96 percent of my town was in distress I had a generator but there was no gas !!! People got panicky up here and did panic buying so there was not a lot of food we are ok now has anyone else been affected I know NY got hit hard and parts of mass too.
  17. kerri101

    Cage Tour

    Nice cage I love the tile I really like the wood you used to make your shelves!! I made my shelves and they are to thick like chuckblocks LOL great job and as others have said nice information too on the webpage/link !!
  18. kerri101

    bird cage into chin cage

    you can also wire /hardware around the the bottom of the cage where chin can slip through I had to do this for my cage when I first got my chin and decided to keep it on
  19. kerri101

    Chinchillas and Hay - What's your Favorite?

    I do "sweet meadow" and oxbox its very odd I would think chin would like greener hay but she really prefers the sweet meadow hay thats browner
  20. kerri101

    Hello everyone!

    welcome !!! hope to see some pics maybe they sound cute!!