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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    Pogo the cuddly chin

    I have two of them, and a little polymer clay chinchilla from a woman who has an etsy shop. (jitterbugbark) I'm not sure when she will make more of them, but her etsy shop is here:
  2. M

    Can your chinnie do tricks?

    Some of you may have seen this video already but I wanted to post it on this thread. :) Pogo can walk on two legs (even without following my hand, he can now walk up to my face with just saying "walkiee.") He can jump up on my shoulder by saying "up" and pointing to it, my favorite trick he...
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    Pogo the cuddly chin

    Thanks everyone! He wasn't always like this. When I first brought him home he was extremely scared of me. But I've had him since he was 3 months old, so over those three years he's warmed up to me quite a bit. Not to mention he's the been the only chinchilla in the house, so he doesn't have...
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    My new violet baby! -- lots of pics

    Oh my gosh! He's one of the cutest chinchillas I've ever seen!
  5. M

    Cage Pictures

    Everyone's cages are awesome! A lot of these inspired me with my own cage. We just got rid of all the wire shelves and ramps (except the very bottom) and we built our own shelves for the cage. :) here's a before and after picture. A better view of the shelves. I'm also plan on adding a...
  6. M

    Hello :D

    Hi from Canada! My name's Amanda, I'm 19 years old. I have one three year old chinchilla named Pogo. I hope to get to know the members here, and learn even more about these wonderful animals. :)
  7. M

    Pogo the cuddly chin

    Meet Pogo! He's my three year old standard boy. Here's a video of him sleeping on my arm. He's very cuddly when he's tired, and absolutely adores scritches, which you can see at the end of the video. He even does tricks. :) My attempts to keep him away from chewing the door always end...