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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Kayluh

    Binx and I would like to say....

    aww Binx is a cutie! Welcome back as well XD
  2. Kayluh

    My Four Fluffs!

    o0olala! wonderful pictures. I <3 feeney!
  3. Kayluh

    Where do you have Playtime?

    In my bedroom where their cages are is where they play =] so I guess "our" room lol.
  4. Kayluh

    What do you use for bedding?

    Pine shavings but thinking about trying out fleece liners with my pans.
  5. Kayluh

    Favorite Fleece Item

    I voted fleece tubes! Both my boys love em.
  6. Kayluh

    Favorite Cage?

    I have the two story Ferret Nation and I love it. Big doors, easy to clean, & lots of room.
  7. Kayluh

    Interest in chin cookies?

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Def. interested =]
  8. Kayluh

    Anyone else have cnq withdrawal?

    When I first got the Account Suspended I thought it was me, until I read a yahoo question and responded to it lol. Then I checked daily to see if it was up and running. Glad to see you all XD.