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  1. Cuddlebug

    Jed 2nd Operation. Worried?!?

    Tooth problems and the procedure to fix them can cause abscesses. They are normally treated with antibiotics, but I guess if it is bad enough they may need to go in and drain it. If the next procedure is to do the same thing they did before, you need to consider you r chin's qaulity of life...
  2. Cuddlebug

    Help with chinchilla aggression!

    Ty giving her a treat while you are holding her and she is still. You need to be persistent. It can take some time for the more active chins to settle down while being held. Make it as pleasant as you can for her.
  3. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    Seachin, that was my first thought, but I found out the person I was getting blue cloud from also sells blue sparkle so I am fine. He actually gave me a free bag of blue sparkle to try on some of my chins. So far, I like it though I could do with out the sparkle part. Nan,thanks for checking...
  4. Cuddlebug

    Chins in Idaho?

    The Craners and Narcissus are all in Idaho. I have met Narcissus and she brought me 5 beautiful chins form the Craner's last February.
  5. Cuddlebug

    Kit and Mom fighting?

    If the formula the vet fave you is not goat's milk, you need to get some. You can get fresh which is best from most Walmart stores. The brand is Meyenberg. Add s drizzle of black strap molasses and a tablespoon of baby rice cereal to it. Make sure that the formula is at least slightly warmer...
  6. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla Urinated on Fur

    Cornstarch can help get out any stains from the urine.
  7. Cuddlebug

    Picking chin up

    Keep trying for the tail grab. It really is the best way to catch one that is scared. I use it even with the wildest of chins. Once you have the tail, you can reach under and pick them up. Just do things calmly, but quickly. It is the frantic chasing that scares the chins.
  8. Cuddlebug

    Chin wants to sleep in bed with me?

    Reason 1: He can severely overheat! Reason 2: Poop in your bed - yuck! Reason 3: You could roll over and squish him!
  9. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    This is not the old rumor. I was told by John Suhr that the owners are in trouble with the BLM and are fighting it. Right now they have a large pile that has been processed bu t not bagged. If they can't fix their problems, when the pile is gone, that is the end unless someone else buys...
  10. Cuddlebug

    Kit and Mom fighting?

    GEt momma to the vet asap. If those sores become infected she could end up with mastitis. Until then rub some vitamin e oil on her sores. You need to pick her up. She does not h ave a choice in the matter. Just reach in and grab the base of her tail then slide the other hand underneath her...
  11. Cuddlebug

    Breeding Age

    Keep in mind that some females will refuse to mate if you wait too long. If you wish to breed but need to wait, I would purchase a younger female when you are ready.
  12. Cuddlebug

    Vaginal Bleeding

    That doesn't make any sense. Dehydration does not cause vaginal bleeding. Even if she was in heat and had some discharge, it should not have been bloody. She could have a pyometra (uterine infection) that is now closed. If this has happened, she may appear fine for now, but she will get...
  13. Cuddlebug

    Picking chin up

    Pick him up. Yes, he will be afraid at first, but once he realizes that you aren't hurting him, he will get over it. Don't just do a quick snatch and grab, though. Move calmly and deliberately. Don't back down and just scoop him up. You can also grab him by the base of the tail to hold him...
  14. Cuddlebug

    A whole lot of shaking going on!

    My son says it's mass popcorning!
  15. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    Hey, everyone. I just heard that the Blue Cloud mine has closed down. Does anyone know anything about this?
  16. Cuddlebug

    A whole lot of shaking going on!

    Have any of you been watching the news about the Chilean earthquake? The town nearest to the epicenter is Illapel which is the closest town to the Chinchilla Preserve. I wonder what the chins think about all the shaking. It has been pretty much non-stop for over 24 hours now.
  17. Cuddlebug

    Breeding Age

    Keep in mind that sexually mature does not necessarily mean they are ready to breed. Most breeders wait until the female is at least 1 year old and over 600 grams in weight. If you put a female into breeding that has not reached a good size, she may have trouble delivering her litter. I...
  18. Cuddlebug

    Vaginal Bleeding

    Os she cages with another chin and if so, are you sure that the other is not a male?
  19. Cuddlebug

    Body Parts

    Urethral cone. anus Other than that, I can't think of anything else.
  20. Cuddlebug

    Chin/Degu interaction?

    Also, degus are no more closely related to chins than any other rodent. Keep them apart.