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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. fuji9991

    What is wrong with this chinchilla's ears?

    Just beautiful freckels. :)
  2. fuji9991

    Chin ate 1/2 oz of chocolate!

    I hope they are ok, if they end up ok this is total LOL. I really hope it works out I can see my chin going crazy over finding chocolate.
  3. fuji9991

    Taking chinchilla to college?

    You should totally take her but be sure you tell all your new friends that there is no handling without your supervision and I also would not allow handling of her by anyone who has been drinking. No one would of course intend to hurt her but non-experienced people will not know how to properly...
  4. fuji9991

    Receiving an old chin

    Thank you for adopting. She will get used to you but it may take time. Do you have a chin safe area she can be in when you clean the cage. My chin is in a room that is also her play area so I encourage her out of the cage then I shop vac the cage while she is out and about. Chins are super...
  5. fuji9991

    Ugghh...He did it again!!!!

    Escaping is like street cred for chinchillas. they need to build that cred
  6. fuji9991

    Escaped Chinchilla

    Hopfully she will cry out. My chinchilla's favorite game is to escape from her room and we just guide her back in after she's had her fun. I would immediately cover any toilets, sump pumps in the basement, any holes in drywall, buckets of water, basically cut off any source of water she could...
  7. fuji9991

    A hay comparison (Please Read)

    I order my hay over the internet from farmer dave. I have not had any issues with the hay and she likes it. I also get apple wood sticks from him too.
  8. fuji9991

    Is a down feather harmful to a chin?

    Great idea I have a spare king sized matress cover and two flease blankets that can cover the entire chair. So a feather would have to wiggle out of the cushion and then also through three blankets. When I clean her cage I can also use the shop vac to vacume off the chair for any feathers that...
  9. fuji9991

    Drinking but not eating hay

    Not an expert here, but just thinking if they are drinking and eating the pellets you should be good. My chinchilla has gone through bouts where she ignores hay but always comes back to it. I know hay is a staple for chinchillas but if they are eating the pellets that is a lot of their...
  10. fuji9991

    How to deal with giving away your chinchilla

    I think the most full proof supply chain might be the internet, I don't think shipping to the UAE would be a big deal for a big retailer like amazon, there may be some extra international shipping costs. Some of the chichilla supply vendors around the internet might not mind sending there...
  11. fuji9991

    Single chinchilla question (help ease my mind?)

    Mrs. Wiggle Whiskers is around 12 years old and has been a single chinchilla since we got her from a store where she was about 6 months old with her brother's and sisters. She has always had a bedroom in my house where I leave the cage open and she is free to roam the room which has many...
  12. fuji9991

    Chin had strange episode please help!

    Hi I am no expert but I wanted to get you a response. Has anything happened since. Maybe the stress of moving and new surroundings caused a seasure or even a mini stroke. Has anything happened since?
  13. fuji9991

    I made a web page!

    I think getting some pictures of your crew up would be a good enhancement. I am not sure how you feel about rescues but maybe partnering up with some rescue organizations to make sure people know that they have a choice between adopting or purchasing to helps any of those poor chins unfortunate...
  14. fuji9991

    Is a down feather harmful to a chin?

    Thanks I don't know if I am overthinking it, I know she eats a lot of hay that on occasion is pretty stiff and pokey like a feather, not sure a feather would be much of a problem. I am thinking of getting a cover to go over it that would trap the feathers in and also keep my dustbuster on hand...
  15. fuji9991

    How to deal with giving away your chinchilla

    I was thinking a service like this might be available, I would really focus on their ability and assurance in managing the customs process. That is the biggest hurdle to the process is making sure customs is not going to be a problem...
  16. fuji9991

    How to deal with giving away your chinchilla

    I have heard of chinchilla owners in the UAE where Dubai is located. I may be making the wrong assumption but if you are moving to the UAE your family is probably more financially sound than most and there are imegration experts and consultants that you could ask some questions of. They would...
  17. fuji9991

    Kiwi, Pear, and Apple wood?

    I like this fella they do not have kiwi though
  18. fuji9991


    When I have gone out of town for a few days I always make arrangements for someone to check on her daily but I leave her in her room. This way she gets fresh food and is checked on once a day. I think this is better than her being put in a different enviornment even though she'll be lonely its...
  19. fuji9991

    How to deal with giving away your chinchilla

    My goodness that is a horrendous situation to be in :( I know in the past I have looked at international employment and did research on traveling and going through customs with a chinchilla. Thankfully I have never had to put any to practice as I never moved to a different country. I am...
  20. fuji9991

    Chinchilla car window decal

    You mean like those stick family stickers? The closest I found to one was a guine pig decale I never specifically found a chinchilla one