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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. fuji9991

    2014 Atlantic Chapter show

    I won't be able to make it I had some plans pop up this weekend but I will try to make the Ohio show
  2. fuji9991

    Cooling off?

    hmmmm I don't know dude that sounds kinda weird. And there is probably a lot of plastic freezer type bags in their too for them to chew on. I would worry about them coming in contact with something that would freeze their feet and closing them in there just can't get comfortable with that idea.
  3. fuji9991

    Exercise Wheel?

    I know a lot of people use this one it is supposed to help the chinchilla because they run in a more natural position than a wheel. Plus the other chinchilla can sit underneith and get bounced on.
  4. fuji9991

    Getting back into chins! Currently, I have one spoiled rotten non-existent chin!

    I guess its a little missleading, the animial them selves are Hyopalergenic but I guess you can still be alergic to the hay they eat and the dust they bath in LOL. But yeah there are no known cases of the chinchilla its self causing alergies. But I don't really see the hay and dust being much...
  5. fuji9991

    What the ???????

    if I did this to mine she would hop away and we would be done for the night LOL
  6. fuji9991

    Getting back into chins! Currently, I have one spoiled rotten non-existent chin!

    there is some irony in that Chinchillas are considered to be the most hypoalergenic pet in the world while almost everyone is alergic to dogs or cats or both. I am affraid you got some crummy advise form that doctor and went through a lot of unnecessary trauma. If you were 11 at the time that...
  7. fuji9991

    New No Name Chinchilla :D

    I vote for Ada Lovelace. She is widly considered the mother of computer programing and was a genious mathmatician from the 1800's way ahead of her time. If it needs to be back further maybe Joan of Arc?
  8. fuji9991

    Getting back into chins! Currently, I have one spoiled rotten non-existent chin!

    What exactly happened to all these animals you keep having to "get rid of"?
  9. fuji9991

    Asking for advice - getting a second chin

    I have had a single chin for 12-13 years now and its been fine. If you do get a second chin I reccomend a same sex and be aware you can't always trust someone to tell you what correct sex a chin is. If you get a male and a female kits are a certainty. If your familiarity with the animal is...
  10. fuji9991

    sick chin

    O my gosh, I sure hope it works out :(
  11. fuji9991

    desperatley need help getting my chin back into his cage every night

    good point steps or a ramp may help so he doesn't have to do a well coordinated leep back in. I also have steps setup into her cage. How big is your cage, chins really need a spacious multilevel cage, if your cage is too small he might resist being put in there. At 3 months our chin was very...
  12. fuji9991

    desperatley need help getting my chin back into his cage every night

    Sorry I don't have any ideas, mine lives in a room, she spends a lot of time in her cage but I never close it. Can you catch him? If you can scoop him up carefully and just place him in the cage. If you sit indian style and he jumps in your lap you can guard him with your arms and just stand...
  13. fuji9991

    Sleeping locations...

    LOL I have never seen her sleep in a different spot always up on the top most shelf of her cage. Its interesting to know that their are chillas out there that sleep whereever lol.
  14. fuji9991

    Rio's new nap spot

    Haha they love to squish themselves into places like that. I have a hamock too and I think she almost never uses it but whenever I find her in it I am totally shocked, its like the last place I look.
  15. fuji9991

    RoseHips and RosePetals suppliment or treat?

    Thanks for the thoughts and info :)
  16. fuji9991

    RoseHips and RosePetals suppliment or treat?

    I once heard that rose hips and dried rose petals are a good source of vitiman C for chins but are they considered more of a treat or do people give them regularly as part of a diet?
  17. fuji9991

    2014 Atlantic Chapter show

    I live in Michigan so its about 6 hours, I wasn't aware of the Ohio one do you know which thread its under that one could be closer to me.
  18. fuji9991

    2014 Atlantic Chapter show

    would this be a good show to visit not bringing a chinchilla it would be a heck of a long drive for me what time would be a good time to arrive if I did a day trip?
  19. fuji9991

    Taking chinchilla to college?

    AC raises a very good point. Not sure if the dorm will have AC its been long enough that I don't remember if ours had AC or not and even if it has AC make sure you get your own working thermostat. You can get portable AC units but dorms may have a policy on that too. I think if you do the...