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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. 4everchins

    My first X kits

    Congrats they beautiful!!
  2. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    2009 California Group Spring Claiming Show Date: March 28, 2009 (showroom open Friday evening for cooping of animals) City & State: Modesto, CA Event Location: Clarion Motel Vinyard 3 Banquet Hall 1612 Sisk Rd. Modesto, CA Hotel Information: Clarion Motel and Conference Center...
  3. 4everchins

    Hi from (Chinpo)

    I feel like such a newbie. lol On CnQ I was Chinpo. I can't wait to really get things going here! I have really missed everyone! :)
  4. 4everchins

    Hi from Northern CA

    Hi Tina! Happy to see you here!! :D