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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. This a Delilah my baby girl!

    This a Delilah my baby girl!

  2. This is Sampson a black velvet.

    This is Sampson a black velvet.

  3. My Chinnies!

    My Chinnies!

    These are some of my chins!
  4. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    Tina you shoud go! I'd loved to finely meet you. :D We have lots of fun and learn you lots neat stuff.
  5. 4everchins

    Ranch Brands and Gross pictures!

    My brand is 4EVC not 4RVC. lol Thanks
  6. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    Sumiko how many are you going to bring?
  7. 4everchins

    My Bearded Dragon!

    I get my girl dragon next sunday!! :D
  8. 4everchins

    Here I am again

    Welcome back! :)
  9. 4everchins

    Birth weights up lately?

    Most have been 55+ even with trips! My singes have been in the upper 60's too!
  10. 4everchins

    Ranch Brands and Gross pictures!

    Here's my ranch brand 4EVC
  11. 4everchins

    Bearded Dragons...

    wow! those are pretty Dragons! :) nice pics.
  12. 4everchins

    The 2 girls... and the dilemna.. please advise

    Unforuantly that's the hard part is not to tell them off! I just reassure them that they are doing a good thing and that I will love & take of chin/chins. The main thing is to get those girls! I can't to see pics. :D
  13. 4everchins

    X babies!

    Here are a few of my X babies! X-5 tov tan male! X-7 standard male! This was a surprise from My late Seymore. X-8 tov ebony female! [/
  14. 4everchins

    My Bearded Dragon!

    Yup it's all her fault that I have falling for these guys. :p lol She even picked me the girl dragon that I am getting!
  15. 4everchins

    Smudge can use spoons!

    OMG! How cute is he, I really love that last pic! :D
  16. 4everchins

    My Bearded Dragon!

    Debbie picked him out for me, she took this pic of him! The veiled chameleons are from the clutch that is still hatching! :D
  17. 4everchins

    My Bearded Dragon!

    This is Traver my dragon, he is 5 months old. I am just in love with him. I am getting another one in about 7 weeks and two veiled Chameleons!! Here is some a bad pic of Traver!
  18. 4everchins

    facebook anyone?

    I have facebook,it's pretty cool! I have a lot of chin people on there.
  19. 4everchins

    What type of Chinchilla food do you feed?

    I used to use Mazuri until I started having soft poos. I have been using Manna Pro Sho for a year now! My chins love it. :D
  20. 4everchins

    Hi from (Chinpo)

    Hey! Tina I see now it & love it too! Lou and his man bits. Lol