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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    No you don't have to bring any chins, just you and it's free to watch. We always have lots fun too!
  2. 4everchins


    I have two dragons, a leopard gecko and soon to be two vields and a panther!!! :heart3:
  3. 4everchins

    Breeding horror story

    I am so sorry for what you are going though! How is the guy doing? This wost thing about breeding, always make me think really hard why I breed. Big Hugs :hug2:
  4. 4everchins

    New Dragon!!!

    I usually do that with chins! lol :dance3:
  5. 4everchins

    New Dragon!!!

    They are wonderful additions! I loved my first one so much that I had to get Tiger-Lilly!! I can't wait to get my Chams!
  6. 4everchins


    Cute chinnies! I have a few BV's with attitude! lol
  7. 4everchins

    Baby here, baby there, babies everywhere!

    Congrats! Those are some cute babies!!
  8. 4everchins

    New Dragon!!!

    A few more!
  9. 4everchins

    New Dragon!!!

    Well I had/still have a bad cold on Sunday. So I didn't take any pics, all I could do was get the new chins settled in. But here are some pics of Tiger-Lilly!! She was shedding the day I got her. Boy does she eat!! lol
  10. 4everchins

    You Know You Own/Are owned by Chinchillas When...

    When you open your check book and flings poo!! or When your husband says you love chins more than me. or get all excited at the store when you a littlest pet toy that is chin.
  11. 4everchins

    Hello from Sacramento, CA

    :hi: Glad to see you here!!
  12. 4everchins

    My Bearded Dragon!

    Here are new pics of Trevor, I took to night! He is still shedding in few spots. But he looks great!
  13. 4everchins

    My geckos

    I cound't stop with one! lol :heart3:
  14. Sapphire, I can't wait to show him!

    Sapphire, I can't wait to show him!

  15. One of my trips

    One of my trips

  16. My sweet little white violet.

    My sweet little white violet.

  17. My Christmas kits, Holly & Noel

    My Christmas kits, Holly & Noel

  18. 4EVC X-1 violet male, up for sale!

    4EVC X-1 violet male, up for sale!

  19. tov violet wrap girl

    tov violet wrap girl

  20. 4everchins

    what is your speciality?

    When I first started I was kind all over the place. lol But now I'm focusing on tov's. :D