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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug

    420 Chinchillas Rescued

    Sam Simon, the man who bought the herd for PETA, passed away on March 9th. This just keeps getting crazier.
  2. Cuddlebug

    Pellet pile?

    Pellet digging and eating half of the pellet is normal behavior for come chins. If your chin is not loosing weight, there is no problem except for wasting feed. i see this all of the time.
  3. Cuddlebug

    Not eating - help

    Stop feeding the foods with other stuff in them. She needs a pellet only food. She may not eat for a few days but she will not starve herself to death. Right now, she needs a vet ASAP. I hope you were able to find someone who knows chins. Good luck.
  4. Cuddlebug

    Chin has urine stains on fur

    Put cornstarch in her dust bath. It will help to remove the stains.
  5. Cuddlebug

    Please help

    From my experience, the white color is a result if he salt in the urine.
  6. Cuddlebug

    Bringing Home My Baby Chin Tomorrow!!!

    Sarah, How is Cloe doing? Give her a big kiss from me. I know she is in good hands and you can call or email me with any questions or concerns. By the way, everyone, this little chin absolutely loves her new owner. She fell asleep in Sahara's arms after about 5 or ten minutes so things may...
  7. Cuddlebug

    Please help

    It is more likely that it is dried urine. Some chins will pee in their shelves and when it dries it can turn white. If your chinchilla has never done this before, you might want to have it checked by a vet for a urinary tract infection.
  8. Cuddlebug


    Chins of ANY age can be paired successfully. Search the site for introduction methods. You will find lots of good information about how to go about it and different methods. The only reason you would wait 'till they are 8 months old is if they are opposite genders. In that case, the female...
  9. Cuddlebug

    Unusual eyes

    just a quick update. The little one passed away when she was 1 week old. she was never able to stand on all four legs without help from me.
  10. Cuddlebug

    The Pickiest Eater to Rule Them All?

    I give my chins hay every other day. Before I started doing this, they were not eating much hay at all. Just peeing on it. Now they see me with the hay bag and they all run to the front of their cages to get to the hay. They actually eat it now. I guess it seems like a treat with this schedule.
  11. Cuddlebug

    Unusual eyes

    I had a baby mosaic born here that had a white circles where her pupils should be. I h ave never seen anything like it before. i have seen cataracts in chins but this is different. They are bright white with nice clean edges. I can't get a picture of it because she tends to keep her eyes...
  12. Cuddlebug

    Huge belly

    Thanks. She seems to be doing well. Her appearance is still frightful - she chews her fur which makes her thin body and big belly more apparent, but she is such a sweet little girl. It breaks my heart every time I look at her.
  13. Cuddlebug

    HELP! Weird behavior/limp/exhausted?

    Instead of sweet potato cubes, use pieces of plain cheerios for training. Sweet potatoes have too much sugar in them. You may be right about sugar issues with him. I would cut down the amount of time he is out of the cage playing. He is obviously overexerting himself. This will help to...
  14. Cuddlebug

    Moving with a chin

    Chins actually do quite well when traveling. They Usually sleep the whole time. A good carrier is a must. You can actually keep them in the carrier overnight. Just make sure you offer food an water at every stop and keep them cool. You can put hay cubes and a chew toy in the carrier with...
  15. Cuddlebug

    Changing food and hay

    Pellets can be switched over by mixing 1/4 new food to 3/4s old for 1 week, the 1/2 and 1/2 for a week and finally 3/4 new to 1/4 old for 1 week. If the old food is really crappy, you can switch cold turkey. Just sprinkle the pellets with acidophilus to ease the transition. Hay can just be...
  16. Cuddlebug

    New Chinchilla Bonding

    Quarantine should have been done for 30 days before these chins met each other. They should have been kept in separate rooms for the full 30 days. Even if neither one is ill, they can still make each other sick because they each have different bacteria in their systems that the other has...
  17. Cuddlebug

    Too Much Weight Gain?

    Just in case, I would remove the wheel until you are sure she is not pregnant or until the babies have been weaned. If you keep any babies, wait until they are 6 months old o give it back.
  18. Cuddlebug

    Dropping fur till bald - is it fungus?

    Looks like fur slips to me. It will take a few months to grow out.
  19. Cuddlebug

    Huge belly

    I have a little rescue here that I have had for about a month. She is 4 yyears old, the daughter of a fur chewer. the previous owner claimed to have been a breeder for the last 16 years, but she did not have the least idea of how to keep the chinchillas' cage clean or that you should not...
  20. Cuddlebug

    Sudden onset of excessive grooming/fur pulling a cage mate

    I see one of two situations here. One, they, for what ever reason, need to reestablish who is the dominant chin or two, one is actually a male and you are seeing mating behavior which can get aggressive if the female does not want to mate. In the first case, keep an eye on them. If they it...