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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug

    Sexing my chin?

    It could be that either he or the girls have not not been ready to breed before now. Also, many chins are really good at hiding pregnancy. Follow the advice above and separate them immediately. Just because they haven't had babies yet doesn't mean it can't happen.
  2. Cuddlebug

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Last August we moved from Southern California to Aurora, Colorado. It was almost exactly 1000 miles. It was 104 outside when we finally had everything loaded and put the chins in the back of my mom's van. We put frozen tiles beneath their cages and a layer on top, too. Plus, mom had her AC...
  3. Cuddlebug

    Baby Kit Eating Solid Food Early

    Babies should not have a wheel or out of the cage cage playtime until they are 6 months old. They need all of their calories for growing. They also get really stupid and do not know when to quit. They can literally run themselves into seizures to to low blood sugar.
  4. Cuddlebug

    Signs of chinchilla's fighting?

    Agreed, I would separate them before things get worse. You don't want to come home and find one or both inured or dead
  5. Cuddlebug

    Can anyone identify this noise?

    Your chinchilla is "calling" This is a sound that they make when they hear something they do not recognize and feel the need to warn the herd (you). You probably don't even notice what is causing his need to call; it could be anything. He'll settle down once he gets used to whatever it is.
  6. Cuddlebug

    Not letting Chinchilla s out of the cage

    While your chin's leg is healing, it should not be encouraged to run at all. Running or jumping can cause problems with the healing. Until the leg has completely mended, the chin needs to be in a single level cage and no playtime.
  7. Cuddlebug

    Tradition no longer being made?!

    I just checked their website and could not find the Traditions brand. The chinchilla feed they have up is call Hubbard Life.
  8. Cuddlebug

    Wasn't pooping much...took to vet

    How did the appointment go?
  9. Cuddlebug

    Dust Rocks & Health

    As far as anyone knows, there are no issues with the blue cloud rocks.
  10. Cuddlebug

    4 month chinchilla bald spot

    I would have a vet check it for ringworm. The redness indicates something is irritating the skin and causing the fur to fall out. It could be that she is chewing on them but you still need to find out the "why".
  11. Cuddlebug

    Man, this new Chinchilla is by far the most skittish I've ever seen!

    Hey, dude. It's Cornellia. You got the beige boy from me (Legolas). Take things slowly. Talk to him while you are in the room. You can also read a book wile near the cage or sing. Spend as much time as possible in the room. You can also rest your hand and arm in the cage while doing...
  12. Cuddlebug

    Narrow escape

    I would not re-home withe chinchilla. They can never be put back woth each other but that does not mean they can't get alone with other chinchillas. You would just need to keep a close eye on things with both of them.
  13. Cuddlebug

    Chin's Wheel Broke please help

    Take the broken wheel to the home improvement store. Go to the section where they have casters and find one that matches it.
  14. Cuddlebug

    Exercise Balls

    Sorry, you are right. Dru is the one that passed. I guess I just can't get that poor baby out of my mind so I typed the wrong name.
  15. Cuddlebug

    update and questions

    That is a bark. You are not hurting her. If you were, she would move away. I think it tickles. I have a girl who does that when you scratch her lower back, but she does nothing to get away from it. Chins can breed anytime during the year. They come into heat in a little less than once a...
  16. Cuddlebug

    cisgendered chin and surprise babies!! advice needed please

    To be more clear on the gender differences, both have a urethral cone. It looks like a penis but is not one. On the males, the penis is inside the cone. Males have a gap between the cone and anus. Females do not have a gap and you may see a slit in the cone and between the anus and cone...
  17. Cuddlebug

    Rosehips & other recommended treats?

    Treats should be limited to one or two a week (not one or two of each treat). Constantly adding new things can cause severe digestive problems. I would not recommend experimenting on your chin to see what is safe. Instead ask those who know. Some herbs and flowers are not safe while others...
  18. Cuddlebug

    Chirping during recover

    Sounds like someone is feeling better. They do not make the happy chirps if they are in pain. Pain either makes them quiet or they will scream if it is intense and sudden.
  19. Cuddlebug

    Exercise Balls

    Dru is slowly learning to accept being touched and held though she still shows issues with her balance and gets shaky when stressed. We are working with her slowly and giving her lots of love.
  20. Cuddlebug


    You may not be seeing him drink but obviously he is. He could not pee if he isn't drinking. I would stop the CC if he is eating pellets and avoiding the feedings. See how he does over the next couple of days. If he stops eating again, you can go back to the CC. Your big clique will be his...