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  1. Cuddlebug

    Chin is terrified of being held

    I am of the opposite opinion. I believe that chinchillas need to learn to tolerate being picked up and held. My reasons for this are simple. If the chin were to get hurt or become ill, you need to pick it up and get it to the vet. If the chin has never been picked up before, you are adding to...
  2. Cuddlebug

    Help with chinchilla aggression!

    Your little one is begging for attention but does not know what to do with it when she gets it. You need to take her out and hold her at least once a day. If she wiggles and squirms, wait until she stops before putting her back. You can talk to her with a soothing voice until she calms...
  3. Cuddlebug

    Are either of these treats ok?

    Those calcium sticks are pure crap. Never feed one toa chin. I used to until I found out that they are loaded with things like honey, seeds, nuts, etc that chins should never eat.
  4. Cuddlebug

    Black Velvets and Clumsiness

    Another thing to consider is what he was caged in at the breeder's. If he was in a single level cage with no shelves, then he needs to learn how to move around in a bigger cage. Until he figures it all out, he will be clumsy and can fall.
  5. Cuddlebug

    Got a new kit

    Your adults appear to both be hetero beige. They can produce standard gray, hetero beige or homo beige kits. Your baby looks like a standard and will not turn into a beige as he gets older. He will always be a standard.
  6. Cuddlebug

    treadmill wheel

    Try the metal Flying saucer. They are great, hold up well and are easily repaired if the bearings go out. You can order it from Quality Cages, Company.
  7. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla Fur

    You might also find that the fur is matting if the chin is chewing it. I had a rescue that was fur chewing and had horrible mats. I just plucked them and gave her a good combing and lots of dust baths.
  8. Cuddlebug

    Regarding pellet change

    Just throw out the old stuff since they are not eating it. Make sure that they have access to hay at all times and that it is fresh and you should be ok. You can sprinkle some probiotics on their pellets to help with the small poos.
  9. Cuddlebug

    How much food/hay should I stock up on?

    Condensation when you defrost it can cause mold issues.
  10. Cuddlebug

    Funny Craigslist Post

    The window well chins and the non-breeding siblings all now live with with me in cages and separated appropriately.
  11. Cuddlebug

    Chin breed/color identification

    Even if you plan on breeding, you need to do some research before you put your male and female together. This is evident by the fact that you had no idea what color he is. On my screen, he looks like an oxidized violet. Not something you would want to breed since his color is so poor. Oh...
  12. Cuddlebug

    Houdini's surgery

    How is Houdini doing?
  13. Cuddlebug

    lumpy ears

    Looks like scarring to me.
  14. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla Hair Ring?

    Line the cage with paper towels so you can see if he really is peeing. If not, get him to a vet ASAP.
  15. Cuddlebug

    Senior chinchilla having trouble eating after recovery from choking

    If she is still hungry and looking for more, I would feed her as much as she is willing to take. I agree with Dawn and Tunes. I think you should have her teeth checked. It seems like she has issues if she needs to chew her food, but not if she does not need to. If it is her teeth, it will...
  16. Cuddlebug


    Reach in and pick him up. Ignore any biting he may do, As long as you leave him be when he bites, he will continue to do so since you are rewarding him by going away. Picking him up shows him that biting will NOT make you go away.
  17. Cuddlebug

    Funny Craigslist Post

    there is one in Colorado selling chins that they are keeping in window wells. another says that since the brother and sister pair (8 months old) haven't bred yet, that it is going to happern.
  18. Cuddlebug

    Advice on kit with eyes closed please

    I have not had any issues with microthamia so I can;t help you there. From your picture it could be a female, but it is hard to tell. Place the kit on a table facing away from you. Gently grab the tail and lift up until the rear feet are suspended and snap a picture. this is the best angle...
  19. Cuddlebug

    chinchilla hair loss

    How often are you giving dust baths?
  20. Cuddlebug

    Help! New chin introduction!

    The males will fight over her even if you spay her or neuter them. It only removes the ability to breed, not the desire. I would just keep them separate if the third is really a female. You can post pictures of her genitals on here and we can tell you if it is a girl or boy. When you take...