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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug

    Teeth issues and x-ray

    Hey, everyone. I have been in touch with a chin owner whose chin has issues with dental infections, eye infections and spurs on teeth. I have posted the x-rays and would like to know what those if you with more experience think. She is taking the chin in to get the teeth trimmed on 2 days...
  2. Cuddlebug

    Multiple Paternity Questions

    You need to know more than just who the parents are. You should have as much information as possible tracing back to reputable breeders where the lines originated. I have rescues that I know who the parents are and I would never consider breeding them since I do not know anything more than...
  3. Cuddlebug

    Soft Poop for a while

    Keep them on the hay and water. You should probably take them in for fecal tests to make sure there are no parasites present and get treatment if there are. The recent stresses probably set them back a bit allowing a bacteria or parasite to get out of control. They may also need sub-q fluids...
  4. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla questions

    Did your vet do x-rays? IF not, he cannot be sure it's not her teeth. If her roots are growing upward into the sinuses and eye sockets, that would cause the eye problem. She will also be in pain and not eating, causing her to not to the things she usually does and pain will cause her to...
  5. Cuddlebug

    Blood in cage

    Of one is chasing the other and biting his tail to the point of drawing blood, you need to permanently separate the two. Things could get much worse than they already are. A sign that it was not just that they may have fallen from the shelf was the pulled fur on all of them. That and the...
  6. Cuddlebug

    2016 ECBC Colorado State Show

    I have attached a copy of our show flier. We hope to see many of you there.
  7. Cuddlebug

    Can someone help?

    I, too have had a male's penis prolapse due to illness/pain. We had an issue with a parasite about 6 months ago. It affected about 1/2 of my herd. Most recovered quickly after just a few days of medication. My son's chin, Wiley, did not. It took weeks to get rid of his diarrhea and the...
  8. Cuddlebug

    closed pyometra

    Same symptoms but no discharge to tip you off so it can get much worse before you realize there is a problem.
  9. Cuddlebug

    Chin has pneumonia

    Just a quick note here, ditch the raisins and goji berries. They aren;t good for chins (too much sugar) and they can make things much worse by adding digestive issues to the pneumonia, especially since the chin is on antibiotics.
  10. Cuddlebug

    Help with introductions

    If you go to the FAQs there is a section on introducing chins. Read it over before trying another time. There are many methods that work way better and are safer than shared playtime. My preference is cage within a cage.
  11. Cuddlebug

    Dust bath depth?

    I use small cages for dust baths. That way all of the chins that share a vage can dust together. We dust once a week and I have about 3/4 inch of dust in the baths. During show season, we dust more frequently (once a day for the show string). I have 26 cages arranged in towers and we do one...
  12. Cuddlebug

    watery eye

    It probably is not the shavings. The dust is a possibility. Try dusting only once or twice a week. that is all they really need and dusting as often as you do can dry out the skin. If less dusting doesn't help or the eyes get worse, the chin will need to see the vet. It could an eye...
  13. Cuddlebug

    Behavioral Problems.

    Like I said, it takes time. You won't see an improvement overnight or even in a week. Just keep working with him. I have worked with many rescues who were biters and very aggressive. They all came around eventually though some took months.
  14. Cuddlebug

    Male chins weird Bonding issues

    You could try putting 2 of everything in the cage. This would help with any squabbles over food, water and houses. If it still happens, then I would not try to put them together when you are not home. there obviously is a problem somewhere that causes fighting and it could get worse. If you...
  15. Cuddlebug


    Nuts and seeds of any kind should be avoided. They are filled with fats and oils which chins cannot digest. The result is fatty liver disease and a drastically shortened life. I would switch her cold turkey to a good food and sprinkle the food with acidophilus to help with any possible upset.
  16. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    The Bureau of Land Management shut them down. It is really difficult to get them to change their minds so don't count on Blue Cloud coming back.
  17. Cuddlebug

    Weight Chart

    Since each female is different (and the boys, too) your individual chart is not much of a help to others. they need to keep track of their own chinchillas weights and watch them over time. Even then, you may not see anything noticeable on the chart. some female gain very little and can drop 2...
  18. Cuddlebug


    Make sure the tile has a good layer of glaze on it or it still can absorb urine. You also need to seal the grout or it will absorb urine. If you don't use grout, the urine will just travel down through the cracks and build up under the tiles.
  19. Cuddlebug

    Too much treats...

    Ditto what Amethyst posted.
  20. Cuddlebug

    Behavioral Problems.

    You need to handle him. He won't like it at first, but he will get used to it eventually. Try only giving treats when you are holding him. It will help to make the experience a pleasant one. Also, do not put him down if he bites or squirms. If you do, he will learn that either one gets him...