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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug


    FYI, a lone chin will still make the contact or warning call when no other chins are present. It does not mean that they are lonely. they are calling to their human herd - you.
  2. Cuddlebug

    That moment when...

    They have trained their human well!:laughitup:
  3. Cuddlebug

    Chins near Boulder?

    I see you are talking about me. LOL :neener: I can tell you that it is worth the drive to come see me. However, there are a couple of breeders closer to you. Golden chinchillas in Arvada, Mountain view Chinchilla Ranch in Fort Collins, and Suhrs Chinchillas in Greeley. If you would like...
  4. Cuddlebug

    Help, I'm not ready for this!

    The wheel needs to come out now, the hardware cloth needs to be installed now, not when you have time. The kits will get out again. they can chew right through the cardboard in minutes and then they will be cat chow. If those babies get on the wheel and mom hops in and runs, the babies will...
  5. Cuddlebug

    Lethargic and not eating much?

    Dawn is right. This chin needs a vet. How is she doing? Just to let people know, sugar water is asking for trouble, it will only make things much worse. Any vet would know that those symptoms are not from low blood sugar and that you should never feed sugar to a chin.
  6. Cuddlebug

    Chins and dogs

    For those if you who think it's ok, look in the Emergency section and read the thread titled "I Think My Cat Scratched My Chin"
  7. Cuddlebug

    Blue sparkle dust (Silica??)

    Good question. I would like to know, too.
  8. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    Spoof, how well does sweet pdz work for cleaning their coats compared to blue cloud?
  9. Cuddlebug

    Chins and dogs

    Fact, most breeds of dogs were bred to hunt, especially the small ones who were bred to ratters. It takes only a split second for instinct to take over with even the most gentle of dogs or cats and the chin is history. why risk it. I have dogs and cats and I would never let them play with...
  10. Cuddlebug


    If they are making noises that sound like fighting while they are in their house, I would separate them. The only reason I can think of for the noises would be fighting. If you wait too long, they could seriously injure each other. You could wake up one morning with 1 or 2 injured and...
  11. Cuddlebug

    Injured foot

    if he is not acting like it hurts, I would give him full access to everything in his cage. As far as I can tell by the pictures, it looks like he has some dry skin in his feet. Rub a little vitamin e oil into them and he should be fine.
  12. Cuddlebug

    My Chinchilla is going to hurt herself

    You're bigger than her. I know they can move quick and be quite sneaky, but she can learn to play with you and not run past you. I have babies that behave like you mentioned and they learn quickly that they can have fun with us and they don't need to run past us. They learn it really fact...
  13. Cuddlebug

    Soft Poop for a while

    If the soft poos don't clear up in 3 days, get them to the vet.
  14. Cuddlebug

    Teeth issues and x-ray

    The chin has had the teeth trimmed. Her owner told the vet what Dawn said and the decision was made to see how she does once she is over the trimming. If she still see,s to be in pain, the chin will be put down. Her owner does not want her to suffer. She said to thank all of you for your...
  15. Cuddlebug

    Ferret nation replacement to downsize

    The Quality cages chinchilla condo can be stacked 3 high. It does take up about the same amount of space as the ferret nation stack, though. With either, I would recommend building a wheeled platform for them instead of the stand. That way, the top cages are not too tall for you to reach. I...
  16. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla bit me

    Airyn is correct. Blowing in their face tends to anger most chins, not teach them to not bite. I gently tap the nose and firmly tell them "no". after a few times most chins figure it out. Whatever you do, do not back of or put the chin back in its cage right away. If you do, you will teach...
  17. Cuddlebug

    Thinking about getting chinchilla, have questions!

    Ditto what Dawn said. If mtge bathroom has been cleaned and then wiped with a wet rag to remove any residues, the chin should be fine. Vet visits stress chins and can cause illness. What I tell my customers is to get an initial appointment to get established with a vet so that things are...
  18. Cuddlebug

    Chinchillas fighting after being together for awhile. Help!

    Since no blood was drawn, you could wait a few weeks and then start over from the beginning. As mentioned, make sure there is 2 of everything and take it slow. You will always need to keep a close ere out for any signs of fighting. By the way,if they can see each other through the divider...
  19. Cuddlebug

    Teeth issues and x-ray

    Thanks, Dawn. I thought so, too. I broke the bad news to her. Her vet thinks regular trimmings will help, but we both know it won't. At least she contacted me and I had your help. I really appreciate it and I think she does, too. Now she can make an informed choice as to what needs to be done.