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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug

    Cozy N Fresh bedding

    It also looks like it would be uncomfortable to their feet. Would you like to stand on marbles? I tried a similar product and the the chins avoided the bottom of the cage except to go down and eat it.
  2. Cuddlebug

    YOUR Brand?

    We feed PRCS exclusively and have been for over 10 years. My chins do great on it. We recently had a problem because the local feed store ran out so we bought some Nutrena Naturewise Rabbit Pellets which are supposed to be a good brand. We found a lot of corn in it even thought the...
  3. Cuddlebug

    What do you all do for water?

    We use a Pur Filter for the chins. We clean the bottles once a week. I would like to mention that we tried the dishwasher for cleaning the bottles but the glass was getting cloudy (not good) so we went back to washing by hand in hot soapy water with a bottle brush and rinsing well. It cleared...
  4. Cuddlebug

    Loofah and pumice stone

    Your welcome!
  5. Cuddlebug

    Nutrena Feed Problem

    Has anyone had trouble with the quality of Nutrena Naturewise rabbit pellets? We recently had to buy a bag because the feed store was out of PRCS. I was shocked when we open it. There were pieces of of corn, entire pellets made of corn, jet black pellets that almost looked like plastic and...
  6. Cuddlebug

    Chin very tired after baytril?? Help!

    Also, a chin with a respiratory issue can't breath right and will not chew, eat, drink or play. It gets them too out of breath to do any of those things. URI's and Pneumonia can kill FAST. Like tunes said, she needs a vet ASAP.
  7. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    He probably was just checking websites and no other sources. I have been using for about a month now and it works great. I just emailed him to let him know. I also asked about pricing and shipping. John Suhr plans on contacting him, too.
  8. Cuddlebug

    Help! Unexpected babies

    Mom can have a dust bath. Watch the babies for any more signs of fighting; that is what you saw before. If they are not getting enough milk, they will fight and can seriously injure or even kill each other. The bite on the little one was probably from a sibling.
  9. Cuddlebug

    Loofah and pumice stone

    I would not use any that is not labeled for pet use. Any other source could have treated treated with a chemical that leaves a harmful residue.
  10. Cuddlebug

    Wire bottom vs solid

    gsbuickman, your cage is dangerous. Those wire ramps and shelves are asking for a broken leg to happen. Chins do not need ramps, they prefer to jump. Get some pine boards and make some shelves and space them around so the chinchilla can jump from shelve to shelf. If is much safer. Also...
  11. Cuddlebug

    Picking up chinchillas

    Calmly reach in the cage and grab the tail near the base to stop her from running, then you can reach under her with tour other hand to scoop her up. Works great once you get the hang of it and there is no crazy running around.
  12. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    Hey, guys. Have any of you been contacted by Jason Kimberling from Hess Pumice Products in Idaho? He emailed me asking if I would like to try their product which is a ground white pumice. He sent me some samples and I have been using it for about a month on a select few of my chins. So far...
  13. Cuddlebug

    baby surprise

    If the baby is not gaining at least 1 to 2 grams a day, you will need to help the mother feed it. for the first couple of days, the baby may loose, don't panic. It can take up to 3 days for the milk to come in. after that if the kit does not gain you will need to help. There is a good...
  14. Cuddlebug

    Cardboard boxes

    I would not give it back if he chin is chewing it. My sister had a guinea pig that died from eating cardboard. It swelled up in her gut and caused a blockage.
  15. Cuddlebug

    Sneezing chin

    Marrisa, if he is still sneezing, get him checked by the vet. There is a good one close to you in Fort Collins. He works at the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital and his name is Matt Johnston. He really knows chins! Tell him I said hi if you see him. He adopted a baby from me.
  16. Cuddlebug

    Chins fighting after castration

    Keep them separated for at least a month, preferably 6 weeks. Mark your calendar for 111 days from now, in case she is already pregnant. I really hope she is not since she is so young but it is possible.
  17. Cuddlebug

    Losing weight, lethargic

    How is Winnie? How much food are you getting into him? He needs at least 60 ccs a day to keep him alive.
  18. Cuddlebug

    Loosing Weight.. HELP!

    It is best to weight them weekly and at the same time each time. 23 grams is not much of a loss. They can loose 10 grams just by peeing. Although a drop like that can be a red flag, I watch for a downward trend not just 1 or 2 low weights.
  19. Cuddlebug

    Chins near Boulder?

    Thank you to both of you. Yes, we are having a show in February. It's on the 6th and in Loveland. We have a flier posted in the Show section. We'd love to see you there.
  20. Cuddlebug

    2016 ECBC Colorado State Show

    We are doing show book ads this year. Prices are as follows: Full page $20 1/2 Page $10 Business Card Size $5 Contact me to arrange for your ad to be included. If you need help putting one together, I can help.