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  1. Cuddlebug

    Biting all of a sudden

    When he bites, lightly tap his nose and tell him "no" firmly but do not yell. Do this every time he bites, He will stop. Also, do not back off when he bites. If you do, you will be teaching him that biting makes you go away and he will get worse. If you are holding him, do not put him down...
  2. Cuddlebug


    What genders are the 4 chinchillas? If you have more than one male, you need to separate the males. They will fight over the females, possibly to the death. Also, if your chinchillas are not pedigreed, they should not be allowed to breed at all. You do not know what genetic diseases they...
  3. Cuddlebug


    Keep them separated for at least a week o r two and them try reintroducing them. Make sure there are at least 2 of everything so they do not fight over resources. Keep a close eye on them. If they continue having problems, I would separate permanently. It is sad, but sometimes 2 chinchillas...
  4. Cuddlebug

    First Time Chinchilla Owner! Is what I have good?

    Remove the plastic shelves and ramps. You can get pine boards at Lowes or Home deposit and cut them to size. a wood or lath screw and a fender washer on each side will hold it in. Throw away the hammock. If he decides to chew on it overnight he can end up with an intestinal blockage and...
  5. Cuddlebug

    New Chin Owner

    Just replace the plastic with pine shelves. Some chins son's mess with the plastic for years or at all. The problem is that once they start chewing it, and they can at any time, the plastic can be deadly becasue they swallow it and it can cause a blockage.
  6. Cuddlebug

    Family wants to hold chin?

    Free roaming around the house is not safe for a chin. Way too many ways for the chin to get hurt or ingest something harmful. If your family wants to play with the chin, they need to be there when you do playtime and you need to limit it to one room that has been chin proofed and keep the...
  7. Cuddlebug

    Sitting and staring

    Chinchillas can sleep with their eyes wide open. That is probably what is going on. since you do not register as a threat, he does not wake up. This is a self defense mechanism. It allows them to sleep and watch for predators at the same time.
  8. Cuddlebug


    Put a thermometer close to the cage and monitor the temp. If the temp gets to high, turn down the heater.
  9. Cuddlebug

    Dandelion Drop Treats

    Sugar, dairy........ Should I go on? Not good at all!
  10. Cuddlebug

    New dust bath product.

    We had no problems whatsoever with the Hess product. No eye irritation - though we only ever had one chin who had that problem and we don't have her any more. I am very pleased with the product. I tried it on a white, a dark standard, a light standard, an ebony and a tan. The tan's coat...
  11. Cuddlebug


    Keep them separated and mark 111 days from now on your calendar. She could be pregnant. Hopefully, she is not since she is do young
  12. Cuddlebug

    Breeding Age

    If you have the male and female together 24/7, you have no control over when she starts breeding since he has access 24/7. If you want to control when she is allowed to breed, you need either a run or separate cages, not a colony, pair or trio.
  13. Cuddlebug

    Possible Unexpected Babies...

    Weight gain means very little. I have had mom give birth to twins with no weight gain at all. I have also had a couple of females gain over 150 grams and not be pregnant. By the way, if a female gains over 150 grams in a month instead of over the entire pregnancy, I would be very worried...
  14. Cuddlebug

    Limp chin

    Leafy greens could make things much worse since they can cause diarrhea and bloat. Be careful.
  15. Cuddlebug


    A couple of weeks ago, I had a male whose foot did the same thing. The difference was that his foot bled so much that his tail and haunches were soaked in blood. I thought for sure that he had to have a major cut on his tail, but once I cleaned him up, there was just one small hole on the...
  16. Cuddlebug

    Sudden change in behavior, skittish, barking

    My guess would be that she was frightened by something that she heard while you were not home or she is reacting to not having seen much of you in the last week. It could also be a combination of the two. Give her time, always be calm and soothing around her and handle as much as you can. she...
  17. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla got mad after getting second chin wtd

    He's jealous. Just keep giving him lots of attention and when he is behaving appropriately reward him with a cheerio. It may take some time, but he will get over it as long as you do not start ignoring him.
  18. Cuddlebug

    New dust bath product.

    I was contacted by Jason Kimberling from Hess Pumice Products about a product similar to Blue Cloud. He sent me some samples and I have been using them on both rescues and show animals for about a month. I can tell you that it works just as good as Blue Cloud in my situation and does not...
  19. Cuddlebug

    No more blue cloud

    No problem, Tabatha! Maxine contacted me and I gave the information. Check out the new thread on the stuff. I will add more info as I get it.
  20. Cuddlebug

    Possible Unexpected Babies...

    Gestation is 111 days, so to be safe, mark your calendar from the day you get her u nless the rescue can tell you when she was separated (date) from the male.