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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla fur wad

    I comb out the mats regardless of the size. The longer the mats remain, the bigger they will get. It is annoying to the chinchilla but does not hurt them since the mats are made up of dead fur that is stuck to new fur. You will get some bald spots but those will grow out in a couple of...
  2. Cuddlebug

    New Chin Mom!

    He's a cute little beige boy. Don't cover the cage with a blanket. Shins need air circulation and the cage could overheat if covered. His behavior is normal. Give him a little timeto get used to you by putting your hands in his cage and letting him crawl over them. Once he is comfortable...
  3. Cuddlebug

    Exercise Balls

    A recent post concerning how hot is too hot reminded me of 2 recent rescues that came in to us. We received 2 females that came with a bunch of junk food, bad treats, plastic and the dreaded exercise ball. As always, I gave the girls some time to calm down after the excitement of a new home...
  4. Cuddlebug

    Advice please?

    If he had malo, he would not be chewing like crazy. He would stop chewing. He needs to be force fed. That means to feed him even if he does not want to eat. Also, ALL of those treats you mentioned are bad for him. Stop them immediately and only give him pellets and hay until he is better...
  5. Cuddlebug

    How hot is too hot?

    Even if the temperature does not kill them immediately, they are miserable. Think about wearing a heavy winter coat at that temperature. You would be very uncomfortable very quickly. Why would you want a beloved pet to be miserable and in jepordy of losing his life. If you cannot keep the...
  6. Cuddlebug

    Blind Chin New Cage???

    If you add shelves one at a time to the upper level and give her time in between to get used to the new shelf, she should be fine. I have a girl with a cataract in one one and you would never know it unless you looked at her eye.
  7. Cuddlebug

    vision impairment due to color mutation?

    I have some homo beige chins that tend to squint when the overhead lights are on in the chin room. They stop when they are in their houses or if you turn the bright lights off and leave the smaller bulbs on. This only occurs with one line of my homo beige chins and the homo beige mother of...
  8. Cuddlebug

    HAWS Chinchilla Rescue - Waukesha, Wisconsin

    If I had a way to get them here, I would definitely take in a few. Anyone up for a railroad to Colorado?
  9. Cuddlebug

    babies in hawaii (oahu)?

    Chinchilla Villas Olga Sousa Kailua, HI 96734 808-224-8888 [email protected]
  10. Cuddlebug

    Itchy chinchilla

    I dust once a week and my chins are fine. No skin problems.
  11. Cuddlebug

    Chinchilla is losing weight, vet recommends supplement please help

    Don;t use any of the supplements you listed. They are protein pellets. Too much protein can cause liver damage. I had a female rescue that came to me very swollen in the belly but thin everywhere else. She was being fed Mazuri mixed with protein pellets (2 lbs of Mazuri to 1 lb of protien)...
  12. Cuddlebug

    Long Wail or Moan

    It sounds like something really frightened him. Is he ok now?
  13. Cuddlebug

    wood question

    I have never seen it on any safe woods list do I would avoid it.
  14. Cuddlebug pellets?

    Chinchillas should not eat corn so I would not recommend it. they are probably eating less because the food is full of fillers. I noticed they also sell treats that are not good for chinchillas such as dried fruit.
  15. Cuddlebug

    Bass Pans

    I would opt for sewing ties to the corners of the fleece. It seems to me the ties should be able to keep it in place. Just make sure that the ties are long enough for the fleece to lay flat. You can also put a piece of fleece between the bottom of the pans and the wire that holds it up. No...
  16. Cuddlebug

    420 Chinchillas Rescued

    I found out that a judge has dismissed the case.
  17. Cuddlebug

    Chins ears

    From what I have seen, missing pieces do not fill in. Scratches and cuts will heal. If the ear folds or creases curing the healing, it will remain that way.
  18. Cuddlebug

    modifications for special needs chin?

    Nice job! Well thought out and I love that you continue to adjust it to his needs.