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  1. starleomach

    2012 MCBA Shindig - August 4th

    I won't be making it this year... With the heat I am already having contractions and i need to keep this baby cooking until September. So at home I stay :(
  2. starleomach

    I was hoping this wouldn't happen.

    Chances are it will be fine. Most chinchilla deliveries and everything goes fine. We can't always be there and nipples don't mean babies tomorrow. Do what you need to do for your family. Control what you can and don't worry about things out of your contril
  3. starleomach

    what color are my babies?

    Looks like a beige. If it is tov the vieling should start showing with age, but at this point looks like a beige
  4. starleomach

    Pregnancy Questions

    I would really question the "breeder" no reputable breeder would have those girls in wiyh males this young. Your breeder is starting to sound more and more like a backyard breeder from your other posts as well. Watch your girls close they are a bit young to have been in breeding and that may...
  5. starleomach

    Rejected Baby - Need Help, Info & Advice

    I have been breeding in colonies for years and you are confused...half the time I have to pull momma as soon as she has babies...the other half she is the only one with babies and they will all care for the babies but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are fights, and all yhat fun. i...
  6. starleomach

    GOOD home... up to interpetation?

    Good home means most money....didn't your parents teach you guys anything.....(sarcasm). I have always found if you pay enough any home is a good home....... .also if you write to good home only people think that is a cure all and no bad homes will apply.. unfortunately it doesn't work that way
  7. starleomach


    To get rabies you have to be exposed. Other animals in the home would be ill. I would imagine these Chinchillas were never consistantly cared for periods if starvation, neglect and dehydration can cause brain issues.
  8. starleomach

    Brothers and sisters don't breed...

    The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. I hear this one all the time...But they are brother and sister so they won't breed.....BS male + female = babies related or not
  9. starleomach


    Mom probably was starving and kit probably died and she was eating it as self preservation
  10. starleomach

    Telling a breeder if a chin you bought from them died?

    Upper respiratory infections are not genetic. Maloclusion can be genetic. Respiratory issues are most often environmental. Giardia is always in a chinchillas system and stress from a move can cause it to flair up. You can let the breeder know but I would not blame the breeder as the chinchilla...
  11. starleomach

    Do The Best Quality Kits Come From The First Litters

    I don't believe that.... Most ranchers say the first litter you should not judge the pairing by because sometimes the first litter is the worst...In the end genetics are a bit of a roll of the dice. You get good, bad and everything in between.
  12. starleomach

    Should I have all of my chins get a physical?

    The stress of a vet trip isn't worth it. I would just monitor the other chinchillas
  13. starleomach

    Handling kits?

    I handle mine from the day they are born..
  14. starleomach

    If one of your pairs regularly...

    I have had an ocasional ear loss from a fight between litter happens in big littered sometimes.. if it was a littermate fight or a birthing issu..if a kit is positioned wrong momma pulls on anything she can. But if it were a chronic issue of mom mutalating her kits than I would...
  15. starleomach

    How did you start breeding?

    I started by getting involved with shows and went to a few shows before getting my first pair from a reputable breeder. I had some pets..they stayed pets because they were not quality animals Edited to add I also had and still have a mentor..infact now I have a few. Dawnna from chocolate...
  16. starleomach

    Signs of a back yard breeder?

    I tend to feel people breeding for personality not quality..The I am just breeding for pets or I am just breeding and giving the babies to firends as BYB Quality doesn't just mean show quality it is a level of health as well
  17. starleomach

    Whose Birthday is 6/15/12?

    Thank you everyone
  18. starleomach

    My chin bit me...:(

    He is an animal...who knows why he did what he did. It happens. They do not reason like us so....