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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    problem new chinchilla

    You should just keep them apart. Some females attack males when pregnant and when delivering. Separating them will not male matters worse. He wants to get to her to mate not from attatchment
  2. starleomach

    Ohio Claim Show, Oct. 27 Plymouth OH

    I am hopefully going to be there
  3. starleomach

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    I will be rough grooming this weekend.
  4. starleomach

    Midlife surprise!

    Being hugely pregnant with 150 chinchillas I have to say it us doable. I clean a small section every day
  5. starleomach

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    Its coming up soon....
  6. starleomach

    Meet Luna

    She is popcorning I am so glad she is settled in and already loved.
  7. starleomach

    Introducing a young male to an older female

    I agree if you do not have time for one chinchilla you do ot have time for babies and they will breed
  8. starleomach

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    I should be able to run the auction. Looks like this little one is coming sooner than later so we will be there
  9. starleomach

    Really curly/coiled up tail

    I have a couple like that in the barn
  10. starleomach

    Greetings from IL

    Hello and welcome
  11. starleomach


    I find females measure. They get more pee on the walls... Other than that no difference really. Getting a second chinchilla male or female puts your other one at risk. fights are nasty and can happen even when they get along
  12. starleomach

    Coming soon...

    Congrats! It will be here before you know it. Those 40 weeks go fast ( atleast until the last couple LOL. I am in the dragging can't come fast enough window LOL)
  13. starleomach

    What is a dwarf chinchilla??

    I have had a couple born here. The male went to a pet home. One female has been here for 5 years now. I will not sell her I don't want someone to stupidly breed her. The last female is a kit that i am going to sell with a no breeding contract. Because if you breed.a dwarf female it is likely...
  14. starleomach

    Weird Emails

    I think they may be looking for a pink white
  15. starleomach

    Raisins: Why are they evil?

    I think doing so in moderation can be ok.... But most people cannot handle moderation. Most people think thier pets need a variety of foods daily or they will be bored. That is the argument i hear most often. No they do not need a variety of treats and the more you introduce to thier diet the...
  16. starleomach

    need help with female chin asap please!

    I still don't see why you did what you did, why expose nurising kits to another mother it just adds tension to the whole situation. Handeling the babies is fine but why do anything that would put them at risk. Had you left them alone you would not be having this issue and you wouldn't be risking...
  17. starleomach

    Increase in feed prices?

    I am lucky, mine hasn't gone up yet
  18. starleomach

    advice fur nats or preventing comb Please and TY

    some chinchilla are more prone to matting. All you can do is pull them as they happen
  19. starleomach

    Wisconsin MCBA show October 13

    I have 20 to potentially show.... I will hopefully be there. It will depend on the one I have on the way LOL. she. better be a good Jr breeder and cooperate
  20. starleomach

    Has anyone ever done this?

    I take rehome fees for rescues because rescues come with vet bills...for the few that don't there are several who do. and it does weed out people looking for free/cheap animals to breed.