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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    birthing complications???

    She may need a vet I agree. Signs of labor very well may mean a retained kit and that if not passed can lead to a nasty infection
  2. starleomach

    Apple/Cranberry Juice to Water Ratio

    It used to be believed it was a good thing for nursing females in the end all it does is introduce bacteria to the water since the nooks and cranies of bottles are sometimes hard to get to
  3. starleomach

    WI ECBC Spring Show

    I will hopefully be there, with hopefully some animals
  4. starleomach

    2014 MCBA National Show

    Clara will be showing 2 of her own :) she is my little helper in the barn although she needs a lot of help grooming. and breaks at least one water bottle every day, feeding is her favorite.
  5. starleomach

    Ringworm: Sulphur or Athletes Powder

    also bluekote/bluelotion will kill fungus that is used on ringworm on larger animals
  6. starleomach

    Whrer to buy supplies?

    there is also for anything you cannot find from a vendor here
  7. starleomach

    2014 MCBA National Show

    I have a couple not show ready that I may just enter in auction only
  8. starleomach


    yup that looks normal
  9. starleomach

    Need help

    All you can do is ask for them to give them to you or offer t buy them
  10. starleomach

    Organic Apple Wood twigs for kit?

    apple twigs are fine for kits I agree
  11. starleomach

    Mother's Death

    where are you maybe there is someone close you don't know about
  12. starleomach

    2014 MCBA National Show

    I will be willing to part with some of my showers ;)
  13. starleomach

    Some times you just want to hit someone.

    it is sad. malnutritian can lead to malo as well poor girl
  14. starleomach

    Can I handle my Chin when I am pregnant?

    I have gone through 2 pregancies 100 chinchillas 1st time 200 2nd time with no concerns other than my carrying 50lbs of food twice a week chinchillas care is not harmful to a pregnancy
  15. starleomach

    2014 MCBA National Show

    I am going bade 20-30 still haven't made my final decision
  16. starleomach

    Chin ate small amount of plastic

    I agree just watch the poopsand be sure there is no blockage sometimes running to a vet would be an unecessary stress this is such a case watch your chin closely but don't worry too much
  17. starleomach


    it doesn't sound good when chinchillas show symptoms they go down very quickly. the best thing you can do is find an emergcy vet
  18. starleomach

    Female chins bleed after intercourse?

    not in my experiance. but be prepared for babies. I won't even lecture you on the poor choice. but odds are if there is blood there is an injury
  19. starleomach

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    I won't make it this year :( we have a family event to attend. I am sad about missing it
  20. starleomach

    Behavior and Male and Female Differences.

    There really is no difference in personality based on gender