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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kimbt622

    Critter nation doubles..good deal?

    good deal! I hope you end up getting them. you're sending one here of course, right?! :D
  2. kimbt622

    cage question

    I honestly like the Fiesty Ferret, but that's because I got it on ebay for only about $100 and it was brand new, so i was lucky. If i could have afforded a Ferret Nation, I probably would have chosen that one. However, my single boy's in there and he is perfectly content. You can also split it...
  3. kimbt622

    Quiet Cage

    if you're talking about the starter chinchilla cage from PetSmart, it is noisy and will be noisy. it's also not big enough for a chin once they're full grown, IMO. I use it as my quarantine cage and i tried fleece liners to try to quiet it, which didn't work. I ended up taking basically...
  4. kimbt622

    Sam Nievin--one of my best friends

    Oh Laurie, I am so sorry. I just found out and feel terrible. I hope you are holding in and i'll talk to you soon. Sam adored you so much and he is now resting peacefully alongside Lisa. RIP beautiful boy.
  5. kimbt622

    Have 2 Legged Children, Get Rid of 4 Legged Children...

    I agree with what's been said mostly. I think it's very important for kids to grow up with animals in their lives. It plays a big role on the type of people they will grow into in MOST cases. My sisters and I all grew up with pets -- hamsters, cats, dogs, fish, etc. My mom has loved animals from...
  6. kimbt622

    Characters/TV Shows you miss

    I agree. I own the entire series of Friends so I don't miss it too much since I watch it daily :D but i wish there were still new episodes.
  7. kimbt622

    Goodbye. I Will Not Be Returning To This Forum.

    Sad for her chinnies. Unfortunately she couldn't suck it up and be an adult, it's life. people aren't going to lie to your face and be perfectly nice just because it will upset you if they're not. i hope her chinnies end up alright.
  8. kimbt622

    Male chin likes to chew my hair!

    Yep :D he's got a crush hehe. no he's just grooming you. i don't believe it matters with gender just the chin's personality and their bond with you. three of my boys like chewing my hair. elbows. fingers. nails. etc. etc hahaha
  9. kimbt622

    Happy Birthday Huey!

    bahah Laurie! yess my mom knows and can't you see the resemblance?! :D
  10. kimbt622

    Happy Birthday Huey!

    I will cin :D He says thank you.
  11. kimbt622

    Happy Birthday Huey!

    Today is my dog Huey's 7th birthday :D He is a shetland sheepdog and is my baby. He's such a sweetheart and I hope he has a wonderful birthday.
  12. kimbt622

    Patches - resting comfortably?

    it's really true whites are crazy! hahah i just love him :D
  13. kimbt622

    Sister love rocks!

    look at those huge fluffs :D i love them both!
  14. kimbt622

    Spaz & Houdini

    They are so cute! Little Houdini is so cute eating his hay :) and I agree i love the bowl idea! If i were you i wouldn't be able to let them go!
  15. kimbt622

    Chin Guilt............Ok so who else has it!

    Oh i definitely have the chin guilt! If i even step in my room during the day everyone comes running to the front of their cages waiting to see if i'll let them out! the trio i usually make wait but Liv i can't resist because he's just so lonely :( if i'm home during the day and he's biting...
  16. kimbt622

    Oh Gizmo...

    woo Gizmo! what a handsome boy :) i love his stink eye when you have him burrito-ed. evil mommy!:neener:
  17. kimbt622

    I Just Adopted 2 Boys. Please come See Pics!

    gorgeous boys :) the dark one is a dark ebony and the light one is a homo beige.
  18. kimbt622

    I Really Need Cage Advice:) Help!

    that's a feisty ferret, i have the same cage and like it very much. However, i don't have the wire level in the middle. i didn't even bother putting it in. the bottom is all pine shavings and i have wood ledges all over the place. i did put the two plastic levels it came with in because theyre...
  19. kimbt622

    Introducing 2 yr old male with 3 month old kit

    hahahahaha :rofl: this killed me! but anyway, i agree with Lynn. If you are patient and try the bonding slowly, it's definitely worth a shot. Older males usually do better with young males, but keep in mind that when the younger one gets older... he will go through "puberty" and may challenge...
  20. kimbt622

    Brand new TOV pink white bub.

    I say keep her! Either that or send her to me :D hehe she is so precious! I love all your babies Susan!