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  1. sheena lee


    Really great info! I didn't even think about habits and personality as a factor. I feel much better knowing this stuff in advance - I spend a lot of time preparing for things, I'm just one of those people who try to plan everything and know everything about a subject ;) Love this forum!
  2. sheena lee

    Adopting from craigslist?

    We got Chia on Kijiji. I don't regret it one bit, I love her so much and she's a pretty good natured (but somewhat stubborn and petulant) chinchilla. I paid $50 for her, but nothing was included. My problem with the seller is 2-fold. First, he was very stupid- housed a male and a female in the...
  3. sheena lee

    Tiled Cage - so far, so awesome

    That's exactly what it was for me! It actually didn't take very long, but I did have to go out of town to buy the tiles and get them cut. I can't buy a coop cup in stores around here (well, I can, but only the plastic ones for birds), but I'm going to order one online. For now I put tiny...
  4. sheena lee

    Tiled Cage - so far, so awesome

    Velcro is a much better (and less permanent) solution than glue! I have some sticky velcro strips, I'll test it out and see how it goes. The indent on the bottom of the bowl should make it so she can't get at it. For those with tiled cages: does your chin chew the tile? Cause Chia has been...
  5. sheena lee

    Tiled Cage - so far, so awesome

    Thanks I'm really happy with how it turned out! I put some card stock like paper between the tiles and the metal grid floors to absorb some of the noise that would be made by ceramic clanking against metal, which is highly recommended if you wanna keep the noise down! I also put a little piece...
  6. sheena lee

    Safe Bath House ideas

    I only give Chia her bath in the bathroom lol. I hate the dust, it's so messy and gets in all the little cracks and is SO hard to clean, I prefer to plunk the bath house down (works as an amazing playtime carrier too) in the bathtub and then rinse it down with the shower head when she's back in...
  7. sheena lee

    Let's Talk Photography! :)

    All of the pictures posted here are really good! :) I'm just getting into photography myself, am taking a 7 week (14 hour) course at school that was only $15! I was lucky enough to borrow a Canon EOS 40D professional DSLR from my sister, but I'm taking a lot longer to learn how to use it than I...
  8. sheena lee

    Tiled Cage - so far, so awesome

    With suggestions from you guys, I decided I would tile Chia's CN cage. I shopped a bit for tiles and with the size of the cage I would have ended up with really big spaces if I didn't get them cut... Obviously the hardware stores don't do it, so when I visited my parents today I went and...
  9. sheena lee


    Thanks Claire, that is really helpful! But I thought 30 days was the standard?
  10. sheena lee

    Chinchilla Artists Needed

    She really does do amazing things! I'll give her your regards :)
  11. sheena lee


    Sounds like something I might do! ... Except I'm thinking of moving my boyfriend out of the office and putting his desk in the bedroom - the chins can stay in the office with me ;D For real, we'll be moving/buying in about a year, so at that point I'll have a designated chin room for sure!
  12. sheena lee


    Thanks for the info!! That really clears it up - I didn't even think about the stress of having another chin around while she's trying to get used to the new environment! And yeah, they're both female - I definitely don't want to breed! The only way I could do side by side would be to move my...
  13. sheena lee


    I'm getting a new chinchilla mid-April, and was explaining to a friend that I would have the new chin, Abby, in another room for 30 days for quarantine. When she asked what the purpose of it was, I realised I have no real idea what the purpose is. My apartment is small, and we don't always...
  14. sheena lee

    Chinchilla Artists Needed

    I don't know if it's exactly the kind of work you're looking for, but a friend of mine does pet portraits:
  15. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    The fleece drape is a good idea, I've considered it I just never got around to it... I probably should, I don't know if chin pee can ruin hard wood, but I'd rather not find out! The shaving all over the fleece liners was one reason I did away with shavings altogether. But chips of chewed wood...
  16. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    Chia will only pee where it's absorbent, so I think the pan might work. In my old cage, after I stopped using the bedding for the whole bottom, I had a litter pan and fleece and she mainly peed in the pan. I also think she tends to pee off the side of the cage, because I end up cleaning urine...
  17. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    Yeah, I think that's my best bet. Even if I do fleece-lined litter pan instead of the shavings. I'm going to test out a bunch of set ups and see what works best. I didn't end up getting tiles or wood tonight because the cutting shop was closed, grr! Also I'm going to get my dad to cut tiles...
  18. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    I used to use bedding with my old cage and hated it... Seeing as the CN is twice as big, I think I'll hate it twice as much. It ended up all over my room and was just a pain to clean. You're right though, tiles would have the problem of non-absorbency. Chia doesn't tend to pee on things that...
  19. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    Not a bad price!! I did realise though that it doesn't actually solve my wood bits on the fleece problem... I'm hoping I'll be able to tile the cage for fairly cheap, even if I have to do one half at a time - she'll live without the bottom half! (She'll have to share eventually anyway, we...
  20. sheena lee

    Fleece + Wood Bits

    Ah tiles is a fantastic idea!! Do you usually let the chins pee on it, and then just wipe it down daily? I can totally handle doing that as opposed to washing the fleece! (heheh I'm an extremely busy person, always looking for faster ways to do things!) I planned to go to Rona this evening so...