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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheena lee

    Getting used to handling

    Since we got Abby, we realized that it's really nice to have a chinchilla that we can hold -- and I've become much more comfortable handling chinchillas in general because I can actually "practice." So we've started an initiative where we will only give Chia a treat if she's in my arms. We...
  2. sheena lee

    hand vacuums

    I've got a Bissell 3 in 1 that I got for $30 on Amazon. I love love love it, it picks up poops and hay, is bagless, and didn't break the bank :)) it fills up fast but doesn't lose suction. Definitely great value :)) It's a little loud but relatively quiet compared to other handvacs...
  3. sheena lee

    Teeth grinding

    Chia has always done this as well, and hasn't ever shown signs of pain. She seems to do it when she's excited, sometimes just out of nowhere.
  4. sheena lee

    It's HOT today!

    It's been on and off hot here in Montreal too... But for the past week or so we've gone back down to 6-10 (42-50) degrees. The other night it dropped to -6 (21)! I hate this time of year because at -6 it really doesn't make sense to have my AC in, but then we get the odd 25-30 (77-86) degree...
  5. sheena lee

    Abby's Home!

    Purple is my favorite!! When we though Chia was a boy, I had bought all blue and green fleece... and when we learned she was a girl, I wanted to keep some of the blue but still have some girliness, so I got the flowers with blue for her. Then when I was getting fleece for Abby, I decided that...
  6. sheena lee

    Abby's Home!

    Christiane, I can imagine it would be hard to give up a chinchilla :( or any animal for that matter! I cried for two days when I gave my baby squirrel away, and I only had him for a week! But I'll have tons of photos as you know - cant not take photos of chins!! We're really excited to...
  7. sheena lee

    Cutest thing ever

    Awwww soo cuuute!! I love when they sleep like that.
  8. sheena lee

    Abby's Home!

    Thanks guys!! She's settling in very well so far. She'll come up to me if I open the cage, and she'll touch her nose to mine. She's still skittish though! I'm hoping I'll be able to get some photos tomorrow, but she spends most of her time hidden in her tube so it's hard to get a good shot.
  9. sheena lee

    Abby's Home!

    Our new chinchilla Abby that we got from Saphire Chinchillas came home today! She's the sweetest thing, very gentle and soft. She let us hold her for a bit, but quickly went into hiding once she was in her cage. She started exploring once we left the room for a while, and seems to be settling...
  10. sheena lee

    Chin taste in music?

    I knew that chinchillas like music and TV, but it wasn't until a week ago that I really realised the power of some music over Chia. I started playing some Port Blue (here) one night, and half way through the first song on the first album, Chia settled down completely and got into her tube and...
  11. sheena lee

    Fast Question!! Is Hardboard Chin-safe

    I actually ended up getting bookboard for 3 reasons: availability (I'm a fine arts student, there's an art store in my school), cost (two 36x40 sheets was $14), and I can cut it myself rather than rely on the hardware store hours & cost of cutting. It won't be accessible to Chia, and if she...
  12. sheena lee

    Fast Question!! Is Hardboard Chin-safe

    Chia would not have access to it, and wouldn't chew much if at all. I'm going to check out my arts store and see about the bookboard cost, versus the hardboard! I'd get wood but it would cost a fortune! :( and I'd have to glue boards together.
  13. sheena lee

    Fast Question!! Is Hardboard Chin-safe

    Nevermind, Googled it and it's not! How about bookboard, used in bookmaking? That's cardboard right? loll...
  14. sheena lee

    Fast Question!! Is Hardboard Chin-safe

    Im at Rona looking for something to glue tiles down onto (Chia tries to lift them now...) No piece of pine is big enough, and hardboard is essentially cardboard right? Is it chin safe??
  15. sheena lee

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    When I first got Chia, I had just given away a baby squirrel I had rescued. It was a stressful time when I was caring for the squirrel because I felt like he could die at any moment (poor baby also got pneumonia, which didn't help my fear!) I carried that fear with me when I got Chia, and would...
  16. sheena lee

    A mean chin :'(

    I try to kack like Chia does when she bites me, but my immediate reaction is to pull away. She does it mainly when she wants out, so when she bites me I close the cage door and walk away. I also found that when we're having playtime and she does something she's not supposed to, I can tap on my...
  17. sheena lee

    Wanted: chin pictures on relatively solid backgrounds!

    Yes! Send them to sheenamcinnes[at] (replace the [at] with @ of course!) The project is nearly complete, but I'm totally up for making more ads! You can check out the project like i mentioned before at :)) The ads I've already made are there!
  18. sheena lee

    What are your chin's crazy nicknames

    We call Chia a bunch of things: Chia-Bee, Bee, Lil Feets, Lil Face, Face (I dunno why, her face is so cute I need to address it personally baha), Baby Girl, Baby, Poo, Poo-Face, Pooper... We pretty much just call her anything that comes to mind when we see her I think lol (Honestly, she will...
  19. sheena lee

    Chia does some "tricks"

    I made this video for a project, but I love it too much not to share! It worked out perfectly, and I only needed to take 2.5 minutes of video to get what I needed. I'm so proud of my little Chia for cooperating (the point was to get her to jump on my shoulder and sit there.) The first time I...
  20. sheena lee

    chin room re-vamp! :)

    Aw I love it! I'm excited to have a room just for chins. Chairs are a great idea!