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  1. sheena lee

    Wood stuck on teeth, help!

    We gave her a treat while she was wrapped up in her chinnie burrito, I think she was so glad to have her mouth liberated that she seemed okay with us! She also ate a little bit, poor thing was probably getting hungry. I'm glad I found it tonight and not tomorrow morning!
  2. sheena lee

    Wood stuck on teeth, help!

    Nevermind!!! I managed to get it off by getting a good hold of it, Abby pulled her head away and it came off. We had to hold her down really well, I feel sad for her, I hope we didn't traumatise her too much.
  3. sheena lee

    Wood stuck on teeth, help!

    Abby had a little wood toy she was playing with, and one of the beads was a like a donut shaped wood piece... Somehow she managed to get it stuck on her bottom teeth! I'm not sure how long it's been there, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't there this morning, and she's eaten a fair amount of food...
  4. sheena lee

    Introducing chin to new cage?

    I did the same as Brian when I got my CN for Chia. I just took everything one by one from her old cage (didn't wash it or anything), and then put her in the new cage when everything was moved. She seemed to dislike the taking out of all her stuff from the old cage more than she disliked her...
  5. sheena lee

    Corner litter pans

    Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for, thanks :)) I'll be ordering one as soon as we put Abby in the Critter Nation!
  6. sheena lee

    Corner litter pans

    Does anyone know where to get non-plastic corner litter pans? Right now I use Pyrex pans and unlike Chia who will pee in the pan consistently, Abby pees directly in a corner and since the pan has handles, she often pees on the handle/into the space between the handle and cage bottom. I found...
  7. sheena lee

    Introductions: What's Normal, What's Not?

    Thanks Christiane! I hope they work out too! It's going to be cooler this weekend so we want to try a round-two for introduction :))
  8. sheena lee

    Waiting for a chin.

    Waiting is extremely difficult, so I know where you're coming from! When we got Chia there was a two-week period between my deciding to get a pet and my bringing her home. I didn't even have a job, and had paid for her and all the supplies with student loans (what don't look at me like that ;)...
  9. sheena lee

    Introductions: What's Normal, What's Not?

    Yeah, both me and my boyfriend sit with them, and we're right there to each grab a chinchilla if necessary! My bf is really attached to Abby and he scooped her up so fast and cuddled her for a while after the introduction. It was cute!
  10. sheena lee

    Introductions: What's Normal, What's Not?

    Personally I saw only dominance humping and chasing. I think the fur slipping happened when Chia jumped on top of Abby as she was chasing her. When they would meet face to face, they would touch noses and kack, then Abby would be chased until Chia got distracted (about 10-15 seconds was the...
  11. sheena lee

    Introductions: What's Normal, What's Not?

    Tonight we let Chia and Abby out for playtime together. I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my life, I was shaking (still am) the entire time. At first they didn't really notice each other, when they were both around the dust bath they really just ignored each other and dusted. But...
  12. sheena lee

    Chia and Abby! (photos galore)

    Look ma, I dumped out ALL my hay! Cool, eh? Zzz <3
  13. sheena lee

    Chia and Abby! (photos galore)

    And Chia! She turns 1 year old next week! Unlike Abby, Chia LOVES the camera!
  14. sheena lee

    Chia and Abby! (photos galore)

    Abby! She's 5 1/2 months now, and is such a sweet girl! She doesn't like the camera though. Bonus! There's curious Chia in the back.
  15. sheena lee

    I hate it when a chinchilla eats the universe

    My fave is definitely "I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and boys just show up in my yard" ... My sister and I used to make fun of that song all the time! But chinchilla eating the universe is a close second!
  16. sheena lee

    HELP! Can't decide between 2 jobs!

    Yeah my benefits are health, dental and vision, and I think it covers a portion of medication. I've had better benefits from other jobs, but it's rare that any part time job will have any at all. Working full time where I am isn't a possibility. I set my own hours and only I know how much work...
  17. sheena lee

    HELP! Can't decide between 2 jobs!

    Thanks everyone!! I'm pretty certain I will be staying with my current job -- the travel really gets me and I know I can find something better and that I'm worth more than $14/hr (I'm not at all arrogant but I know I'm a pretty good designer! lol)
  18. sheena lee

    HELP! Can't decide between 2 jobs!

    So I got my BFA in Design just a few weeks ago. For the last 2 semesters of my degree, I've been working as a part time graphic designer for my school's student union. I work 3 days a week, ~15 hours. Now that I've graduated, I decided to just put some CVs out there for full-time work, 'just...
  19. sheena lee

    Getting used to handling

    I think I'll try holding the treat in my hand so she doesn't run of with it next week! For now when we finally give her the treat, she runs away and hides. I don't want to put more stress on her. Once I'm holding her though, she's not as bad. She squirms a bunch for a good few seconds and then...
  20. sheena lee

    Playtime problems

    I leave the dust bath in the bathroom or playpen and let Chia use it as she pleases, until she gets in around the end of playtime and I just scoop her up with it. It helps if you don't associate the dust bath solely to end-of-playtime I think... Chia has never had a problem going back in.