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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheena lee

    I want to see your mosaics

    You can see my mosaic girl Chia at my blog, It's kind of a photography project and a way to feed my chinnie obsession :))
  2. sheena lee

    Canadians/Quebecois: Anyone know this store?

    When I first found the site I was really weary - the site looks professional but that really means nothing. But I emailed them today and they got back to me very quickly and were extremely polite and helpful, so I think I may get some hidey houses and things in the near future! It's a shame...
  3. sheena lee

    Canadians/Quebecois: Anyone know this store?

    I get all my fleece and most of my toys from Zoey and Lilo's, I couldn't be happier! There are definitely some great Canadian stores for chinnies. It just is sad that Montreal or QC in general doesn't seem to have anything decent. I did notice the unsafe products, but they still carry a good...
  4. sheena lee

    Canadians/Quebecois: Anyone know this store?

    I found this store a little while back - - and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of it? Living in Quebec, it's SO HARD to get cool pet supplies because of language restrictions, so when I come across something like this I'm always interested. The site has things you...
  5. sheena lee

    Anyone else find hay EVERYWHERE?

    This is common:
  6. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    I used regular tile from a hardware store, the ones with the brownish underside.. I'm not sure what kind of tile exactly. Chia used to chew on it, and try to lift it up.. She actually broke 3 of them (one by throwing it out of the cage, and two others by dropping stuff through the hole in the...
  7. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    The tiled flooring is the best thing I've ever done! It makes cleaning so easy, and I have a lot less laundry to do to ;). Both my girls are pretty well potty trained, so peeing on the floor isn't a big issue either :))
  8. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    I'm lucky because my dad has a lot of tools and cut them to the size of the Bass pans for me. I did the same for the wood, and glued them down with a ridiculous amount of glue.
  9. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    Thank you! I put a lot of time (and money) into the cage and I'm very proud of it! The fleece sets come from Zoey and Lilo's Toy Box - she makes amazing fleece sets, I couldn't be happier.
  10. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    The dishes are coconut bowls I got from Christiane (saphire here on the forum.) I love them -- both my girls love dumping their food dishes out, and these bowls solved that issue! They're perfect. Chia is 100% potty trained and will only pee in the litter no matter where it is. Abby is sort...
  11. sheena lee

    A CritterNation for Two!

    On Tuesday night I was feeling motivated and decided to undertake the (surprisingly lengthy) task of moving Abby into the bottom of the CN. I've been wanting to do this for a while, even though I know that chins normally have an easier time getting introduced if they're side by side, I just...
  12. sheena lee

    Chia: More Photos!

    I upload them to Flickr, and then copy-paste the BB Code. :)) You can use Photobucket as well, any image hosting type of website really.
  13. sheena lee

    Chia: More Photos!

    Thanks everyone!! Chia for some reason is just really good at posing. I think it may be because she's had a camera of some sort (my phone or an actual camera) in her face every day since we got her, she's gotten kind of used to it.
  14. sheena lee

    Chia: More Photos!

    As you probably know, I can't resist taking pictures of my chins. Chia is so much more cooperative when it comes to pictures, here's some recent ones! She loves the camera, and the camera loves her. She's getting close to 14 months old now. My baby's not a baby anymore!
  15. sheena lee

    Coloring Wood?

    Someone should be able to confirm this, but I think that food coloring is safe... I'd get the neon pack, you'll get much nicer/brighter colors! As for the pine, it should be untreated, kiln-dried (KD) pine. Most hardware stores sell it, and mark it as KD. If you're not sure, smell it - if it...
  16. sheena lee


    I really don't think it's real. Chinchillas rarely breathe from their mouths, I highly doubt that it would exhale smoke from its mouth! Also, the first picture has smoke going in 2 directions... one going up and the other going sideways.
  17. sheena lee

    Chin sitting goes wrong

    Oh that's awful!! We have a friend who hands Chia random things through the bars. Like plastic and a piece of tape once... My bf got really mad the first time, because getting anything away from Chia is like taking candy away from a small child - in her mind she was given this amazing toy...
  18. sheena lee

    How big of a toy do you need for three girls?

    Your chins are beautiful, I'm in awe!
  19. sheena lee

    Chinchilla body build

    I think they're somewhat like people, or any animal really. Abby is quite round, and her face is very chubby (I call her Fatface eheh). On the other hand, Chia seems to be more long than round, and her face is quite petite and thin.