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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheena lee

    A Break-Up

    Guys seem to get so comfortable living at home... Ugh. My ex is starting to look into renting a really big apartment now too.. Maybe it's payback, I don't know. Men!! Thanks for your support, your story mirrors mine so much, makes me feel better knowing someone else out there has felt the...
  2. sheena lee

    Moving Chinchilas and Critter Nation

    That's good to know. My idea was to lie it down in the truck I'm going to rent, as the last thing to go in/first thing to come out. I don't even think I would need to take the stand off in that case...
  3. sheena lee

    A Break-Up

    Thanks SO much for your responses. It makes me feel like I'll be okay eventually. My situation is very similar to yours, Lirana. I started seeing the 'someone else' right after I broke up with my ex... And my ex is not a bad guy either, but things were SO stagnant that after 6 years we were in...
  4. sheena lee

    Moving Chinchilas and Critter Nation

    Due to some unfortunate circumstances with a now ex-boyfriend, I'm moving. And I'm taking the girls with me, of course. My apartment is all worked out, and everything is set for January 26th... I'm just not sure how exactly to move a CN cage. It's the double one... Should I take it apart? It...
  5. sheena lee

    Kidney infection?

    I've had kidney infections (e coli) stemming from UTIs. I used to get a lot of UTIs - up to 12 per year - and I think I've had 2 that turned into mild kidney infections. I suggest a hot water bottle, a hot bath a lot of rest. For pain I suggest a urinary analgesic like Azo (which is over the...
  6. sheena lee

    A Break-Up

    Recently, my long-term boyfriend and I broke up. We had been together nearly 7 years, and had been living together for 6 years. Even though the choice was mine (I had been interested in someone else for some time... really long story that paints a really bad picture of me), I've found the...
  7. sheena lee

    Nightmare about my chins

    I had the weirdest chin dream last night.. I was sorting mail for some reason and there was a package that was moving, and in it was a little chinchilla! I was like well that can't be right, you don't MAIL baby animals... So I took the chin home and checked if it was a boy or girl, and it...
  8. sheena lee

    Strange noises?????

    If they've been together since they were babies you don't need to separate :))
  9. sheena lee

    Braces :(

    The salt water is a really good idea!! Wish I had thought of that last night! The pain is really significantly better today though, but I still can't chew. I think I've probably lost 5lbs already. My mom is supposedly buying me a Waterpik for Christmas, but that's a good few months away...
  10. sheena lee

    Hurricane Sandy and Emergency preparednes

    It's even supposed to reach as high as Quebec. It's cool enough here that if the power goes out we should be fine - I barely use the AC anymore anyway, with the window open the room stays plenty cool nowadays! We actually just recently had a small 4.5 earthquake that knocked out our power for...
  11. sheena lee

    Braces :(

    lol thanks guys! Before getting the braces on I bought a really amazing electric toothbrush in preparation, but I don't think I'll be using it yet - the vibrations on my sore teeth will probably make me wanna die!
  12. sheena lee

    Braces :(

    My teeth are not toooo bad, I just have an overbite and alignment issues (which is called malocclusion in humans too!) It's great to hear that it only took 4 months for your daughter to see vast improvement! I'm just eager for the weird feeling in my mouth to go away, and to be able to chew...
  13. sheena lee

    Braces :(

    So I got braces today. It took a good 2 hours for everything, and I'm not in any pain really unless I try to eat... I didn't really know what to expect in terms of how I would look, but I didn't expect to look in the mirror and think, "oh my god, I'm HIDEOUS." Afterall I know people with...
  14. sheena lee

    Chinchilla Eating Cardboard

    I have a chinchilla who likes to eat cardboard too, which is sad cause I have some cute toys with cardboard that I can only give to one of my girls. The other chews it, and while Chia's cage will be full of shredded bits, Abby's will be clean. I saw her munching on it and I took it away, and...
  15. sheena lee

    Cage Tour

    Thanks!! I used regular flooring tiles, I guess they're ceramic? I did have to cut them, I got my dad to do it for me. They're glued to a block of wood with a LOT of wood glue, and so far I haven't had them come up or anything, and it's been a good 4 months I guess since I glued them.
  16. sheena lee

    Cage Tour

    Last week someone asked me if I could give a photo tour of my CN. I did, thought I would post it here too! Suggestions are welcome :)) Chia & Abby Cage Tour
  17. sheena lee

    Working from home?

    There's a lot of things you can do from home by yourself, and not with a company. Freelance writing and copy-editing are a couple that come to mind in which you don't necessarily need any special skill or training. I have a lot of friends who do freelance graphic design, but of course you...
  18. sheena lee

    Broken Ferret Nation

    Curious, how did you repair them? I have a couple broken bars on my CN - they dont poke out or anything, and are not really visible... I was thinking of soldering them back together.
  19. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    Oh yeah, my boyfriend and I are always both around for introductions, so we can each grab a chinchilla if necessary! I won't be starting the process again for at least a month though. Thanks for your input!! Also, Abby's toe is healing just fine as far as I can see! :))
  20. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    No, the fur slips were from just the chasing (and really only a few little tufts), which stopped when I put some vanilla on their noses and butts. Abby was upset by the spraying, Chia got her right in the face. She didn't retaliate though, she just ran off and rubbed her head on the carpet, and...