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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. CrazyForChinchillas

    Meet Nyx!

    She's so pretty. Congrats!
  2. CrazyForChinchillas

    ChinnieShop Rap

    :laughitup: OMG, that's hilarious. :hilarious:
  3. CrazyForChinchillas

    Chunky violet baby

    Aw. Pretty coloring.
  4. CrazyForChinchillas

    My blue diamond line

    Wow. I love the last 2 pictures. They're super adorable. I wish I could afford one, but maybe one day they'll be more prevalent.
  5. CrazyForChinchillas

    Nice Reverse Mosaic Baby

    Wow, so pretty. Love the pattern!
  6. CrazyForChinchillas

    New BV girl

    So cute! :))
  7. CrazyForChinchillas

    My Christmas present: Chinchilla necklace! :)

    Hand engraved silver. My husband bought it for me. It's from etsy. Chinchilla necklace by Crazy for Chinchillas, on Flickr It's so cute. What did you get for Christmas? :) Anything chinchilla related? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
  8. CrazyForChinchillas

    some random pics of my gang

    OMG, the pictures are so cute. I love the mushroom pic!
  9. CrazyForChinchillas


    Hehe, aww. Cute. :) I'd like that on my shelf too. ;)
  10. CrazyForChinchillas

    My New Boys

    Aw, cute! Congrats on your new chins! :)
  11. CrazyForChinchillas

    Merry Chinmas!

    Awww. Adorable photos. I really want to get a mini Santa hat and try it with my chins. I've always wanted to try that with them. We say merry chinmas too. :laughitup:
  12. CrazyForChinchillas

    My First Chinchilla!!!

    Oh, sweet, thanks!
  13. CrazyForChinchillas

    My First Chinchilla!!!

    Congrats on your new chin! :) She is cute! The fleece is awesome. Where did you get the litter pan?
  14. CrazyForChinchillas

    Pictures! What is his color and is that a freckle?

    Wow, so pretty! I love his color. Congrats! I look forward to seeing more pictures as he ages.
  15. CrazyForChinchillas

    New fleece!

    Wow, very cool. The pocket is awesome! :cool: Aww, cute, bat chin. :))
  16. CrazyForChinchillas

    My new girl Pina!

    Very cute! Lovely pics. Love the Jack hammock. :)
  17. CrazyForChinchillas

    Supplies I plan on getting (is this good?)

    Flying saucer wheels are well worth the price, but you could always looked for used ones.