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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. CrazyForChinchillas

    Your Chin(s) Birthday Month?

    I only know when Jack & Astro were born. Astro was born in July and Jack was born in August.
  2. CrazyForChinchillas

    What is your chins favorite kind of wood?

    Kiwi, apple, cottonwood and pear.
  3. CrazyForChinchillas

    My 2 new boys: Jack and Astro :)

    Food and hay last us a while since we buy in bulk. Food is around $68 with shipping (which is the most expensive part for food) for 50 lbs. For 50 lbs. of hay I use Doctors Foster & Smith oxbow timothy since it's cheap for 50 lbs. or small pet select timothy in smaller amounts. I spend a lot...
  4. CrazyForChinchillas

    My 2 new boys: Jack and Astro :)

    Thank you! Yeah. ;) They're just so awesome as pets. I don't have any other pets, so they get spoiled. :) I've always wanted a black velvet and a blue diamond, so the dream is coming true.
  5. Ramble


  6. Nibbler using Ramble as a pillow

    Nibbler using Ramble as a pillow

  7. Ramble


  8. Morris :)

    Morris :)

  9. Leo with a kiwi stick

    Leo with a kiwi stick

  10. Scruffy


  11. Scruffy sleeping

    Scruffy sleeping

  12. sleepy Astro

    sleepy Astro

  13. Wiggles


  14. Astro eating. Jack in the background in the hidey house.

    Astro eating. Jack in the background in the hidey house.

  15. Jack eating. Astro in the hidey house.

    Jack eating. Astro in the hidey house.

  16. CrazyForChinchillas

    My 2 new boys: Jack and Astro :)

    I adopted these two half brothers on Feb. 16th from Humble Acres Chinchillas. They have the same dad. Astro is the ebony and Jack is the black velvet. Astro was born in July and Jack was born in August. They're in a temporary small cage until they go into a quality cage mansion when I get my...
  17. CrazyForChinchillas

    The Ferret Nation Club

    I got the cage. Just waiting on my fleece orders. I have one with fleece for furries and ridge chinchillas/quality mutation chinchillas. :))