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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Sandi


    Wow... no wonder my poor little CJ took so long to recover after the URI and Baytril. :( It must suck going through this Dawn, hope you feel better soon.
  2. Sandi

    Happy Birthday Chinmama!

    Hope you have a great day Ann! :bdayparty:
  3. Sandi


    Welcome! Glad to have you here :))
  4. Sandi

    Our new girl Milli

    She's definitely a cutie :)). Welcome to the forum!
  5. Sandi

    TRADITION Chinchilla Pellets

    Yes, I have 15 lbs. of Tradition. On my way to send you a pm.
  6. Sandi

    Whose Birthday is 8/15/2013?

    :HB4: Happy Birthday!
  7. Sandi

    New Chin Mom from Chicago

    From another Chicagoan, welcome to the forum!
  8. Sandi

    New Chin owner here!! :)

    Welcome! They look adorable... hope you get to keep the mama and baby together.
  9. Sandi

    Soft stools, am I to worry?

    I don't know what the rest of your post means? Did you mean to copy and paste it here? Anyway, glad you caught the treat issue. I would remove the pellets and feed strictly fresh hay for a few days until it clears up.
  10. Sandi

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Thanks Brenda... I'm just bummed that my kids marching band competitions are getting in the way of my fun ;))
  11. Sandi

    TRADITION Chinchilla Pellets

    I will be picking up new bags on Thursday.
  12. Sandi

    Fuzzies Kingdom will be closed for a summer break

    Hope you had a wonderful summer break.... the boys and I are wondering if you're back and in business? :)
  13. Sandi

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Looks like I won't be able to make it this year either :( boo. Longing for the times when this show was on the first Saturday in October. ;)
  14. Sandi

    My Chinnies new cage+Updates

    Very nice! Welcome back... you're girls are lovely.
  15. Sandi

    Is it bad???

    I have both... love my dyson handvac and a hd shopvac strictly for the chins :))
  16. Sandi

    Which is cheaper??

    Take a look at the do it yourself project thread: As far as adding edges to your shelves, you could cut some wood to whatever length/height you want your edges to be and glue them onto the shelves with elmer's wood glue.
  17. Sandi

    Chin mom saying hello

    Welcome to the forum! :)) He is a cutie, love his ears.
  18. Sandi

    Chinchilla opens door

    Lol! Freedom! Very cute.
  19. Sandi

    How cool do you keep your chin room?

    I'm lucky I have a finished basement that stays in the mid to high 60's year round. I moved all of my chins down there 3 years ago and they are doing well. When they were on the main level they rarely got on their wheels during the summer months. I remember a few summers where the central a/c...
  20. Sandi

    Hi!!! :)

    :wave3: Welcome to the forum!