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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    RIP little man.
  2. Kalandra

    Tex Buckaroo Hufflepuff: Adopted 2/15/2010 - Passed 4/2/2012

    Tex, My heart sank when I saw the email this morning. It fell even further when I read the text your mommie sent. The first time I saw you, it was obvious you were a very special boy. So quiet and gentle. You stood on the confirmation table with your mom and they gave you a ribbon...
  3. Kalandra

    Marking babies...

    I've seen a variety of answers for this over the years. Some use non-toxic finger paints, non-toxic fabric paints, finger nail polish etc. I think if I were to do it I would opt for the non-toxic paint for kids that will wash out eventually. It all depends on how permanent you want the color to...
  4. Kalandra

    Is my mom's hedgehog old?

    Average is somewhere around 4. However, I have known several that have lived to see their 5th birthday. I also know of a couple that made it to 6, and one old fellow that made it to 10. My experience has been that somewhere around 3.5 to 4 cancer shows up and the fight it on. I have had 1...
  5. Kalandra

    PA House Bill 1398

    Hey look, its actually moved! It has sat since 2/1 waiting for the Game & Fisheries to review it. As of today it has been amended and moved to first consideration. Its definitely time to give it some attention.
  6. Kalandra

    Fromm & Merrick

    I'm feeding Fromm Duck a la Veg as part of my mix, and there is never a single kibble of it left in the morning. All three pick it out first, then eat the other two varieties. It is a higher fat content food, but I have two marathoners that need the extra calories or they lose weight. Both...
  7. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    How is Tex today? I'd increase his meals, offer food while you are snuggling with him from time to time. You may even need to increase the calories in the food you are giving him to get enough to stop the weight loss. Poor Tex, little man has been through so much.
  8. Kalandra

    Pregnant Hedgie

    Not really. Sometimes you will notice weight gain, and nipple elongation, and sometimes you won't notice much at all. Weight gain at her age could simply be that she is still growing or filling out. However, at her age, and the fact she was exposed to a male, I would treat her as if she is...
  9. Kalandra

    Meet Flower!

    Well that makes it easy to know what sex you are holding at least. They grow just too fast.
  10. Kalandra

    My chinchilla has Stasis!!! Need advice

    Its a start! Now lets see a lot more of those poos!
  11. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Be strong Tex. Keep fighting and hopefully we will figure out what is going on and get you fixed back up. We love you little man.
  12. Kalandra

    Where to advertise chinchillas for adoption?

    Which is why I have yet to rehome a rescued hedgehog... Renee, your best bet may just be to post on here and rehome with a forum member. At least here you can do a little research about the person from their post history. You may get a better idea about the home you are sending them to. BUT...
  13. Kalandra

    Picking out a Hedgie

    What is your expectation of a hedgehog? Just curious as it may help us help you not make a mistake. When I pick up a new hedgehog from their previous owner I can usually get a good idea of how quickly they will bond with me by how they react when picked up. If the hedgehog huffs, curls up and...
  14. Kalandra

    My chinchilla has Stasis!!! Need advice

    Hopefully someone will post soon that can help you. But in the mean time, you may benefit by reading about Sparky: Meanie put a lot of information about how they saved Sparky, it may help you and your chinnie.
  15. Kalandra

    Help! He hates me =[

    I have a rescue that needs a lot of re-socializing at the moment. He recently got out of quarantine and was moved into the room with the other hedgehogs, his first couple of nights was like we had gone back to stage 1 (4 weeks earlier), him being very huffy and clicky at me. After the second...
  16. Kalandra

    Help! He hates me =[

    Change in his life can stress him. If he is new to your home, and had just started to settle, then you changed everything again, yes it could be causing him to stress. When he bites, or acts badly, do not immediately put him in his cage? He will learn that such behavior will get him back in...
  17. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    How was Tex last night? Oh let there be some improvement.
  18. Kalandra


    Such a wonderful memorial for a wonderful boy. RIP Romeo.
  19. Kalandra

    Hey there :)

    Welcome to the forum.