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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    Nice deal! Really there is a variety of places you can put it. I have 4 of those odometers and they have worked well for me so far. They aren't hard to program and give such a nice variety of data.
  2. Kalandra

    Food help!

    Do you notice any difficulty in chewing the food? Some foods are hard and for young hedgehogs, with small mouths, it can be difficult to chew. I’ve never held off on mealworms. I don’t give but a couple when they are new, but I tend to just go ahead and start giving them to them. Some...
  3. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    I haven't attached it to a flying saucer yet. I'm thinking for a FS you may want to invest a little more and get a wireless version of the odometer. That way you won't have a cable to deal with, and will have more options for the magnet/sensor placement. However, I’m thinking if you attach...
  4. Kalandra

    Mace Photoshoot!!

  5. Kalandra

    I am so proud

    Uh huh. I keep telling one of mine that if she doesn't sit still, and doesn't stop pushing her nose against the clippers that I'm going to clip her nose off instead. She doesn't listen though and makes me work hard to "steal" her nails.
  6. Kalandra

    I am so proud

    :clap1: That's not dumb, trimming hedgehog nails has caused many a new owner a lot of stress. And a lot of not so new owners too.
  7. Kalandra

    Baby Boys Growing Up

    That are just too stinking cute!
  8. Kalandra

    Wanting a Hedgie!

    Space heaters, if you get them setup correctly, are just fine. I've only ever used a space heater to keep the entire room warm for them. Potty training, either they potty train themselves or they don't at all. It is a hit or miss situation with these guys. Boy or girl doesn't matter both are...
  9. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    Yep, just a little bicycle computer. I have these: I paid just about that price...
  10. Kalandra


    And a cute little footsie as a bonus!
  11. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    Heat may be an issue. If it does get too hot they will be less active. Another thought is could he be still using his wheel but just is getting off to poop now. Tula is a clean wheel runner quite often. For instance, this morning I looked at her wheel, and its another day where it won't need...
  12. Kalandra

    Pet Store Hedgehogs...

    Never feel like you are being annoying. If you are asking questions about your hedgehogs, and are willing to make changes to improve their lives, then you aren't being annoying. We all have had to learn somehow. That's why these forums are here. For us to share the good, and help each other...
  13. Kalandra

    Domovoi and Haltija

    I love the look in the "waiting to see why the cage is open" image. Excellent images.
  14. Kalandra

    Mites for the first time :(

    Allergies are a possibility. Tracking down a food allergy can be difficult. Another possibility is a skin infection. How does her skin look? Is it dry flakey, any redness or pustules around the base of the quills?
  15. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    What's the temperature like? Anything else changed since he stopped wheeling as much? I don't like behavior changes like this, there is usually something amiss, whether it be temperature, too much light in the room at night, toenails too long, or something more serious.
  16. Kalandra


    How sweet. Congratulations on the new addition.
  17. Kalandra

    Young Hedgie Humping?

    Heh. You are now an official member of the "I own a boy" hedgehog club.
  18. Kalandra

    Moving stuff around

    I tend to leave things in the same spot. I swap out toys so that there is a variety of different items, but the major items (sleeping areas, food, water, wheel) stay static. Hedgehogs are creatures of habit, if you start moving things around, it can be upsetting to them. I've had some that...
  19. Kalandra

    What color am I?

    I'd have to say he is Algerian Chocolate. If you can get an image in a bit better lighting it will help. It doesn't need to be with his quills flat. Some hedgehogs will appear whiter when their quills are flat because their color band is lower down on the quill shaft than others.
  20. Kalandra

    Hedgehog Happiness

    Some hedgehogs just run a lot more than others. I have two who are serious runners. I have odometers attached to their wheels. Some nights they may only run 3 miles, where others they run much much further. I have recorded nights of 11 miles, but their average is around 6 or 7. For times...