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  1. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Quills crossed here that you get answers. Let me know how it went, when you get back from Doc's.
  2. Kalandra

    Not using a wheel or toys.

    Four days in a new home is not a very long time at all for a hedgehog. It can take a hedgehog a while to adjust. You just changed everything he knew in his life. Don't be surprised if his behavior is a little defensive for a while. I'm not talking just a week, it could take a couple of weeks...
  3. Kalandra

    Meet Flower!

    They are fun to watch grow up, but they grow up so fast. Keep up the good work momma.
  4. Kalandra

    Saying Goodbye -- How Do I Know When It's The Right Time?

    :( This sucks. At least she had a little extra time with you. What a wonderful and amazing little girl she was. Did they ever determine what the tumor was?
  5. Kalandra

    Hello everyone!!!

    Welcome to the forum.
  6. Kalandra

    Meet Flower!

    Well congratulations. Looks like your family just got a lot bigger real fast! Keeping our quills crossed here that Flower continues to be a good momma. I bet your daughter will be sad that she cannot see Flower for awhile
  7. Kalandra

    Sudden (alarming) change in behaviour

    Sometimes a bath with an oatmeal wash or adding a little vitamin e oil to the skin to help soften it will help. But quilling can be very painful for some and even those items don't make it fully stop.
  8. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    I have to really wonder about an inner ear infection or something causing the ear to be painful. When Cooper had his inner ear infections, he was very tender around his ear, and would scratch at it a lot. Occasionally would miss the ear and scratch around his eye, I was worried he would...
  9. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Keeping our quills crossed here that she is right.
  10. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Ugh. I knew this coming weekend was his weekend off, but vacation? Doesn't he know those aren't allowed!
  11. Kalandra

    Possibly pregnant chin?

    Renee, I don't have chins, but I do take in other people's unwanted hedgehogs. I learned ages ago to not worry about the what ifs and to just concentrate on the now. Otherwise you will drive yourself nuts. Just know in your heart that even if a problem arises in the future, that you will...
  12. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Wow that is a sudden change. You still planning on talking to doc today?
  13. Kalandra

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome back to the forum Penny.
  14. Kalandra

    Meet Flower!

    If she is pregnant, it doesn't sound like she may have much longer to go. Here is hoping that if she has babies, all goes well and she raises them like a champ.
  15. Kalandra

    chinworld exercise wheel??

    You could almost buy 3! The silver surfer is only $50. Granted this wheel has a 1" wider running surface, and 4 mounting points instead of 3...
  16. Kalandra

    Syringe medicine

    How are you holding him when you try to syringe feed? Sometimes changing the positioning will be more to their liking. I usually hold them in my left hand with their back against my chest. Also how are you approaching his mouth with the syringe? Always approach from the side. Hedgehogs have...
  17. Kalandra

    Martin Annointing (Video)

    Was his wheel slightly wet still? I as because Tylda will lick at her wheel too if I don't get it completely dry. I only use water to clean her wheel (and a soft brush) so it definitely isn't any smell from soap or vinegar doing it with her. Tylda is fascinated by water though, she plays in...
  18. Kalandra

    Syringe medicine

    Mixing it in food works wonders. Baby food chicken, turkey and sweet peas were favorites for many of mine. I've also used a little fruit flavored yogurt and Boost/Ensure to help mask flavors. If he will eat treats still, and won't take the syringe, you can try mixing it into the above...
  19. Kalandra

    Ceramic Heat Emitter?

    Found it: "Features include a 6 foot remote sensor probe, a dual port plug receptacle to control multiple heating devices"