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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. javachin

    Holiday photo thread!

    Dawn is a master at chin photos like this. Too cute!
  2. javachin

    Need help with planning a long distance travel with my chinchillas

    I'd put them on shavings too. If you have hay or hay cubes, you can keep that in the carrier as well and give them pellets when you stop. Also get a small water bottle, though they may not be interested in it during the ride. Chins usually do really well during long car rides as long as it...
  3. javachin

    Best online source for hay and pellets??

    Really look into Kleenmama for hay. As for pellets, there are a few vendors in our classifieds area that sell Tradition, Mazuri, etc. I can ship you some Manna Pro Sho if you're interested. It just depends on what you want to try.
  4. javachin

    Cage, and spin?

    The Ferret Nation (2 level) is still on sale at PetSmart.
  5. javachin

    CnH Secret Santa 2013 - Expedited Edition

    Yep, I definitely know who my Santa is! ;)
  6. javachin

    Those fleece cubes?

    Chins are very picky. Some like them, others do not. I have some chins that sleep on top of their cubes rather than inside of them. One chin I have used his hammock primarily as a trampoline, and after some years, finally decided to sleep in it. I think its worth a shot getting your chin what...
  7. javachin

    VERY brave (clumsy) kit...normal? (videos and pics)

    Oh yes, all very normal. I find it funny when they decide to popcorn under something and bump their head. They get so excited!
  8. javachin


    Great picture! He's very cute.
  9. javachin

    Vitakraft Chinchilla Cocktail

    There are a few vendors in the classifieds that have rose hips. I'm sure one of them would be happy to help you.
  10. javachin

    That is pretty awesome!
  11. javachin

    Loofah and Antlers For Chewing?

    Loofah is perfectly fine. I however wouldn't give antlers, but that's my preference. I would check out the vendors in our classifieds for supplies.
  12. javachin

    Chin Toys

  13. javachin

    Ideas for a picky chin

    Chins don't always "play" with their toys, but chew them whenever they feel like it. Its quite possible you don't see her chewing on the toys, but it could also be that she doesn't like that particular type of wood. Pumice is also hit and miss; some chins like it, others don't. Try finding...
  14. javachin

    Vitakraft Chinchilla Cocktail

    Stay away from Vitakraft products. That particular product is loaded with fruits that are not good for chinchillas due to the sugar content. I would toss it immediately. There is no real need to supplement, especially with something like that.
  15. javachin

    Guess your Secret Santa 2013

    I think I know who has me… :D
  16. javachin

    What cage would be best for my chinchilla?

    Ferret Nations are very nice and they're on sale at PetSmart. You'd just have to change out the pans.
  17. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Here are some of the raffle items made by ChinChic (AnnieO).
  18. javachin

    Question About Timothy Hay

    I would just use plain Timothy. I've also never heard of it coming with mint or carrot though.
  19. javachin

    Metal Wheels

    Remove the plastic one; he's not using it and if he starts chewing it, that will be a problem. The wire/mesh wheels aren't good either. We recommend Chin Spins, Silver Surfers, Leo Brauns, or Flying Saucers. These are all wheels that are safe for chins to use.
  20. javachin

    A chinchilla camping trip

    Dawn, that is amazing! Such lucky chins you have.