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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. javachin

    Successful Introduction!!!

    Glad everything worked out. They look nice and comfy together!
  2. javachin

    Vitakraft - Mini-pop?

    Stay away from Vitakraft and Kaytee products. They're not healthy whatsoever.
  3. javachin

    2014 Empress National Show- join us and celebrate our 50th anniversary Mutation Show!

    We are in need of a few more trophy sponsors. If you can help, please notify me or Maxine. Thank you!
  4. javachin


    He'll be fine. I have a few that bark in their sleep, even squeal.
  5. javachin

    Where to buy large pieces of chin safe pine

    Lowe's or Home Depot should have it. It will say KD pine on the tag.
  6. javachin

    Question About The Saucer

    I personally would buy the flying saucer over any other wheel. Your chins will figure it out eventually, especially if one picks it up sooner than the other. I think its a great investment.
  7. javachin

    UTI/ Bladder Stone?

    Let us know how it goes. I hope your little man pulls through.
  8. javachin


    Anything Kaytee is terrible. Try getting Oxbow or Mazuri instead.
  9. javachin

    feed cups

    I primarily use coop cups, but my cups have a dimple on the side so it locks into the ring. The only time my chins pop them out of the ring is when they're empty, thus making a ton of racket for me to come and fill them back up. I'm sure you could just take a hammer and some blunted tool to make...
  10. javachin

    Chin Toys

    For those of you wanting to place toy orders, please contact me no later than Wednesday, February 5th, as I will be out of town for a couple weeks. If you have a large order, please let me know sooner than that. Thanks!
  11. javachin

    2014 Empress National Show- join us and celebrate our 50th anniversary Mutation Show!

    Still need more show book ads and trophy sponsors! Email Maxine at [email protected] for more details. We appreciate any and all support for this show. Hope to see you all there!
  12. javachin

    My next cage!

    As if your existing cages aren't fancy enough, Dawn! That one would be amazing!
  13. javachin

    1st Generation Blue Diamond I've produced

    She's beautiful! I hope she grows out for you more.
  14. javachin

    Treat suggestions?

    Maybe try different types of wood, pumice blocks, or even Blue Cloud rocks. I don't know if it will work, but it may be worth trying.
  15. javachin

    Breeding Cages?

    FNs are fine so long as you put mesh or some other wiring around the cage that are no less than 1"x1/2" and you remove ledges, etc. that the female could injure herself on. You'd also want to remove the male unless you want them to breed back.
  16. javachin

    Chin Toys

  17. javachin

    2nd or 3rd Cut?

    I prefer 2nd cut, but I do buy 3rd cut to change it up a bit for my chins. Either way, they're both excellent quality hays.
  18. javachin

    2014 Empress National Show- join us and celebrate our 50th anniversary Mutation Show!

    If you are interested in donating a raffle item or contributing a show book ad, please contact the National Office at [email protected]. Rates are as follows: Show Book Ads (8.5" x 11" = full page): Full page, color $40.00, Full page, B&W $30, 1/2 page, color $30, 1/2 page B&W, $20...
  19. javachin

    Pawing at mouth??

    Its possible that something is stuck, but now knowing he's got some eye issues, that is also a possible indicator of malo or another tooth problem, such as a spur. They can have issues with the back teeth, not necessarily the front ones that are easy to see. I'd take him to the vet, especially...
  20. javachin

    Pawing at mouth??

    Is your chin drooling and/or dropping weight or not eating? If that's the case, then those would be more indicators of malo.