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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. chinsNdobermans

    Canadian Shows?

    The closest to Toronto would be the NY show in Fonda NY or the Atlantic show in State College PA.
  2. chinsNdobermans

    Manna Pro and Oxbow, which one is most economical and best quality? also sho?

    They have a flake and a fine option. I always buy the flakes, for the same reason.
  3. chinsNdobermans

    Manna Pro and Oxbow, which one is most economical and best quality? also sho?

    I don't use that bedding, I use an 8.0 cubic foot bag of Premium Pine. Need more because I have lots of cages to clean!
  4. chinsNdobermans

    Manna Pro and Oxbow, which one is most economical and best quality? also sho?

    Perhaps you can find someone local who would sell you Manna Pro by the pound? I have used it for several years now with good results. My local TSC just started carrying Mazuri but I can get 50 lbs of Manna Pro for the same price as 25 lbs of Mazuri, and with as many chins as I have, it makes a...
  5. chinsNdobermans

    NY/NE Chapter Show info.

    :bliss: So excited! Won't be bringing anything for the raffle, since I found a temporary need for my Martin's cages, and my ebony girl is selling, but I'll be bringing my fabulous self and my DSLR!
  6. chinsNdobermans

    Possibly pregnant female

    I agree, pink white. Please read the thread that Laura posted above, and get that girl into a baby safe cage, just to be safe. Looks like the one she's in now has too much spacing between the bars, and trust me, newborn kits are escape artists.
  7. chinsNdobermans

    Anybody have experience with wooden cages?

    My father built a custom wooden cage for my chinchillas when I first got them. It was nice, 100% custom to what I needed, but if I did it again, I'd make sure I had some sort of guard over the framing to protect it from urine. Small mesh wire prevented most chewing on the framing but I had a...
  8. chinsNdobermans

    NY/NE Chapter Show info.

    I will officially have no chins to show at this, so whatever you need me to do, just tell me! I will have my camera and will be snapping photos like crazy as well!
  9. chinsNdobermans

    NEW baby Violet

    I love violets! They are my favorite. Is this the Sophia who was a fur chewer?
  10. chinsNdobermans

    Animals for sale - will be at NY/NE show

    Ebony female is sale pending.
  11. chinsNdobermans

    Chinchillas for Sale (Hendryx Chinchilla)

    I'd love to see pictures of: RYX B113 Dark Ebony Male
  12. chinsNdobermans

    chin poopey

    Chinchillas poop. It's normal and it's no reason to worry unless it is runny/smelly/slimy/small. As for your feeding - loose hay or hay cubes are beneficial for wearing down teeth. I know of ranchers who never fed loose hay but it isn't going to hurt her to have more - it's good for her dental...
  13. chinsNdobermans

    Carry Cages

    Thanks Christiane! :)
  14. chinsNdobermans

    Carry Cages

    Oh I know - I have some from him. Was just thinking if someone had some they wanted to get out of their hair I'd see about that first. I plan to get some things from them so if I have to I'll place an order for a couple of carriers.
  15. chinsNdobermans

    Carry Cages

    Since I sold several of my carry cages when I took a break from chins, I am currently stuck with one ten hole cage or one two hole. Looking to get a few more - four, six, ten holes are fine. Two holes are okay but not preferable. Can pick up at the NY show.
  16. chinsNdobermans

    Possible Sulky Chin?

    Chins definitely have personality, that's for sure! Your girls could have their cycles anytime if they haven't already.
  17. chinsNdobermans

    Kit Deaths: Please Help

    Thank you for taking this all into consideration - I really appreciate your very thoughtful response. Find a good vet who has done neuters before. After a couple of months your pair can be reunited. Good luck.
  18. chinsNdobermans

    What are the signs of old age?

    My oldest, a 15-year-old retired breeder, acts just like any of my younger chins. He is a bit easier to handle than he was when I first got him but he's active and doesn't seem to sleep more or less than the others. He does like to get comfortable though!
  19. chinsNdobermans

    Kit Deaths: Please Help

    I second the fact that you are a breeder - you are allowing these animals to mate and produce babies, and intentionally housing them together. The only way to prevent this from happening is to separate your chinchillas, or neuter the male, which would require temporary separation anyway.