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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. charlie

    hi everyone! new to CnH

    Welcome to the group! So sorry for your loss.
  2. charlie

    Hello again

    Glad to have you back!
  3. charlie

    Pregnant Hedgehog fell from cage

    The ball-up effect works poorly. I have a rescue with several broken toes and a broken lower jaw to prove it (all now healed thankfully). How confident are you about the date? I would suggest a vet visit if you any ANYTHING off (different eating habits, poop a different colour, bruising of...
  4. charlie

    About to give up on grouchy baby

    Well, not all hedgies like to be touched. Many do, but some don't ever warm to it. That said, 74 F is usually warm enough but not always. My smaller female needs at least 77F. Perhaps it isn't warm enough for her. You could consider providing a heating source just for her area (oil heater...
  5. charlie

    Hufflelump, May 2006 - December 30, 2011

    We helped Hufflelump cross a few days ago at the ripe old age of at least 5 and half. He could have been older but we know he had at least earned the title "Sir". He was surrendered to us more than three years ago. He was completely blind but that didn't bother him at all. Although he never...
  6. charlie

    Po, 2007 (?) - December 29, 2011

    Our beloved Po passed a few days ago, after battling with small masses (likely cancerous) in his intestines. He was surrendered to us more than two years ago from a couple who no longer wanted him. He loved a warm lap and always left a pile of crumbs after his meals. Unfortunately, he always...
  7. charlie

    Hey..finally joined this great place

    Welcome to the group!
  8. charlie

    Hi all!

    Welcome to the group!
  9. charlie

    Amelia :)

    She looks so sweet! Careful about bathing her under the tap, the heat can change very suddenly on you even with modern plumbing.
  10. charlie

    The girls

    I love stompy feet (Ella has them too, all 800 grams of her stomps around when she's really upset). Beautiful pics!!
  11. charlie

    Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas!!

    Welcome to you and your boys!
  12. charlie

    Proper Introduction

    Welcome to the group!
  13. charlie

    Hedgie Homecoming!

    Very beautiful hedges (good pics - what camera and lens are you using?)
  14. charlie

    New to Site and Hedgehogs

    Welcome to the group! Many of us use fleece or corduroy liners instead of shavings which you may want to consider as well.
  15. charlie

    Nemesis Hedgehog questions :)

    How is he escaping? You should have a lid on the cage and the bars should not be spaced apart enough to let him through. Are you keeping him outside? Ants are tricky, but I believe some of our members have dealt with them before using a natural deterrent (was it a ring of salt around the...
  16. charlie

    Hi from Portland! New chinchilla owner

    Welcome to the group!
  17. charlie

    Nemesis Hedgehog questions :)

    Welcome to the group! There is a search function at the top where you can type in a particular word to find many of the answers to the questions you have posted. Sometimes that is faster than waiting for one of us to answer. 1. I would probably feed him mealworms by offering them in a dish...
  18. charlie


    Welcome Vlad! Aren't you a handsome fellow, hope you have more pictures soon!
  19. charlie

    Soon-to-be a Hedgehog mom

    Welcome to the group! It is always nice to have interested and soon-to-be owners who are willing to the research and prepare. The search at the top is great (don't forget to narrow it to the hedgie forum) and if you can't find something just ask!
  20. charlie

    Hello from a new hedgie Mom in Ontario!

    Welcome to the group! Keep an eye on the spot, hopefully it is just a minor irratation. I suggest you do try to get a new wheel if possible as she sould be having issues with the ridges on the wheel (may she is tripping?). Otherwise maybe she was just so excited :)