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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. charlie

    New to the Forum

    Welcome to the group. Sounds like Lucky has had quite an ordeal. Thank goodness you and the vet took quick action!
  2. charlie


    Welcome to the group! I can't help with your question being more form the hedgie side of things, but thee are lots of knowledgable people on here as you are already well aware.
  3. charlie

    Hello again!

    Welcome back!
  4. charlie

    Hello fellow chinnies [& hedgies]!

    Welcome to the group!
  5. charlie

    New to chinchilla breeding

    Welcome to the group!
  6. charlie


    Welcome to the group!!
  7. charlie

    Hello everyone new hedgie owner

    Welcome to the group!!! As Kalandra mentioned there are some old books out there...but there's lots of good info here. If you use the search at the top and narrow it down to the hedgehog side of things, you should be able to find most of what you need. The FAQ sections are also very good...
  8. charlie

    hello from a long time lurker

    Welcome to the group!!
  9. charlie

    Hello From Jean

    Welcome to the group! Always nice to have someone who wants to research first. The search function at the top is good but be sure to narrow it down to chinchillas (otherwise you may get some off-the-wall advice that is meant for hedges. If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask.
  10. charlie


    Hello and welcome to the group! The search function at the top is really good (narrow it down to the chin side of things). If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask.
  11. charlie

    Is a charcoal suspension safe to give?

    Any updates on Toes? I've unfortunately never used a charcoal suspension but I hope it worked for you and Toes. Let us know.
  12. charlie

    syringe feeding?

    If there is no poop still after this many days, you may wish to put her in a warm tmmuy deep bath. This may help get things moving. HEr antibiotic may be constipating her. She may be running at odd times because she is trying to get her digestion system moving again (and isn't having any...
  13. charlie


    I guess when it rains, it pours. Tiggy passed today. He went into the vet for a tooth extraction and passed when they sedated him. Until the necropsy is complete, I won't understand why this has happened. Tiggy was the sweetest hog to come through our home. He never curled up, was happy to...
  14. charlie

    syringe feeding?

    Keep at it, you may have to revert to baby cat for a while. Her stale food (if that was the case) may have really put her off. She's a smaller hog so the baby cat isn't going to do any damage right now. You need to get her appetite back up and then worry about long term solutions.
  15. charlie

    heating advice

    Oil heater is definitely best as mentioned. I work with the Fire Commissioner's office, and it is by far the safest one. Buy a known brand, keep an eye on the cords and keep it at least a few feet away from anything and you are good to go.
  16. charlie

    Joined and I'm getting started!

    Welcome to the group, there's lots to learn and many friendly people of a range of ages!
  17. charlie

    New Chinnian!!

    Hi Tonya, welcome to the group! Hope you find some good information here, the search at the top is very helpful!
  18. charlie


    Welcome to the group! There lots of good information, the search at the top is very useful and if you can't find something just ask.
  19. charlie

    Strange swelling - need advice

    Did you take her to the vet? What was the result?