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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. charlie

    Hopefully a new Chin mom!!

    Welcome eto the group! I think you'll find lots of valuable information here.
  2. charlie

    Hi. New here

    Welcome to the group!
  3. charlie

    My baby girl

    There's definitely lots of information here. The search field at the top is really helpful (though you should narrow it to the chinchilla side of things or you'll see some conflicting information as hedges are pretty different in some respects). If you can't find something -just ask. Welcome to...
  4. charlie


    She is beautiful, thanks for the pictures and welcome to the group!!
  5. charlie

    sleeping on her side

    You should take a picture - we love pictures!
  6. charlie

    hedgehog using litter box sometimes?

    Most of mine go on the wheel. The others will poop only on their paper towels. Of course I placed these paper towels in the spot they have chosen. This unfortunately only kind of works, because they will then run over their poop throughout the night and in the morning there are tiny poop crumbs...
  7. charlie

    How many kibbles to your hogs eat in 24 hours?

    I've got to say, I will take a big eater any day of the week. Since Lexie is just a baby, she needs to grow into her quill skirt and can eat as much as she needs (as long as it is the right food) and she can still curl into a ball.
  8. charlie

    Waylon, my beautiful Texas Tumbleweed

    So sorry for your loss Nancy! Hopefully the pathology gives us valuable information - Thank you Waylon, for helping us to learn more and help others with what we learn.
  9. charlie

    constipated and wont eat pumpkin!

    Keep track of his weight as others have suggested (at minimum once a day if not twice). You see him every day and I think you'll be a better judge of when he is ill then this seemingly uninterested vet. Trust your instincts. As for the fleece bag, I recommend removing it and using a hedgie...
  10. charlie

    new hedgehog!

    I really hope you won!! Welcome back to the group!
  11. charlie

    Brand new Chin Dad

    Welcome to you and Marty!
  12. charlie

    Mountain Chinnies!

    Welcome to the group Patty!!
  13. charlie

    Nail Care for a Fussy Hedgie?

    Bath time is also a good opportunity. Since she is new to you, you'll want to give her some time to adjust but you may have some luck if you put her in an inch of warm wAter. This also helps to soften the nails and makes Them easier to cut. (sorry for any typos, I'm on an iPod with a very slow...
  14. charlie

    wont eat

    I'm so sorry for your loss, you did what you could and I'm sure he was grateful.
  15. charlie

    Check out Aslan - Pet of the Day!!!

    He is very charming! I know literally nothing about tortoises so that was really neat to read about. I hope he lives for another 10 at least!
  16. charlie

    Hi people

    Welcome to our group!!
  17. charlie

    Bleeding, Diarrhea, and an inexperienced vet

    I hope things go well at the vet - if she isn't swallowing try gently rubbing her throat after syringing - it sometimes makes them swallow. Otherwise force feed more frequently but in smaller amounts. Pedialyte is also very good to get their hydration up. Good luck, we are keeping our quills...
  18. charlie

    wont eat

    You must keep syringe feeding him. Use Hills A/D (canned food available from a vet) or if you cannot get that right away soak the Chicken Soup food until it is mush, add some chicken baby food (unseasoned) and syringe that. If you syringe more frequently he may come around. If you can, after...
  19. charlie

    Bleeding, Diarrhea, and an inexperienced vet

    How is she doing today? Water intake is critical. Many of those symptoms may also be an indication that she is dehydrated. Keep an eye on how much water she is taking in. Does she have a water bowl? Bottles are problematic especially when they are sick and don't have the energy to reach up...
  20. charlie

    Iowa Hedgie Owner!

    Welcome to the group!!!