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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. tcraighenry

    My two babies :)

    Kiki looks a lot like my little Vincenza with all the gray!
  2. tcraighenry

    Cardboard and cardboard playhouses!

    I was wondering if there was a consensus about how safe cardboard is? Vincenza loves to eat it, or at least shred it and chew on it. I seem to remember something about possible impactions? Anyhow! I saw this...
  3. tcraighenry

    My little Luna. :)

    Awww hi Luna and your teensy paws!
  4. tcraighenry

    Bella pictures!

    I love the corner squishing!
  5. tcraighenry

    Moral dilemma

    If you're 100% against the pet store, I'd go with the pelter. As unpleasant as his business is you know you'll get a good animal that had a good life. (And an even better one later!)
  6. tcraighenry


    Aspen pine here. Our younger one gets into everything so would definitely eat the Carefresh.
  7. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla laying on side.

    She might just be bored. If she has toys in her cage, move them around. Because that means NEW TOYS. As smart as they are... that usually works.
  8. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla Bath Houses

    That's not a bad idea!
  9. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla Bath Houses

    Yep, the traditional looking ones. They work really well. The bottoms are heavy enough so they don't tip it over when they perch and the glass is thick and sturdy. I think they cost about $10-15 at Petco. I honestly wouldn't have thought about it except the woman we bought Vincenza off already...
  10. tcraighenry


    Tell me about your talking chins! We have two, one we got when she was a baby and the other when she was four. What we've noticed is the baby talks all the time. She woke me up last night making peeping sounds at me and then scared the **** out of me when she just kind of kept doing it. Without...
  11. tcraighenry

    Singing to the chinchillas...I can't be the only one, right?

    I sing whatever to them. Cinnamon flips out and runs around her cage when I do it. lol
  12. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla laying on side.

    Mark the bottle. She might be drinking more than you think. When we've put our chins through something stressful like moving, coming home, going to the vet they seem to drink less. And sometimes it appeared not at all. We started monitoring it by marking the bottle so we could monitor it. Sure...
  13. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla Bath Houses

    We use fish bowls! You can see them roll around.
  14. tcraighenry

    Going on vacation

    We hire a pet sitter. She comes twice a day at $20 per visit to feed/water/check on them. We also have a web cam and her cell just in case so we can look in.
  15. tcraighenry

    some random pics of my gang

    OMG I'm jealous of your supply store!
  16. tcraighenry

    Best bedding in cage

    I use a combination of fleece and pee dishes. When we got our Chinchilla Mansion the paint on the back corner of the pain was eaten away. Probably by acid from the previous owner's chin peeing in that corner. So we keep fleece down and have a pee dish with Aspen in it to try and preserve the new...
  17. tcraighenry

    non fn or cn cages, anyone?

    If you get a bigger one just don't switch her back. You'd think cage cleaning time was torture the way they shake the bars to escape the Superpet they came in.
  18. tcraighenry

    Chatty Chinchillas!!

    Vincenza talks all the time. She makes her little whimpering noise when she wants attention, she kacks at me if I do something she doesn't like (last night I dared take my necklace chain out of her little hands) she makes more little peeping sounds if she doesn't feel like being scritched and on...
  19. tcraighenry

    Sound-training chins to return to cage?

    Ours respond to a couple different things. The sound of rustling plastic makes them run because they think it might be a treat. Tapping on the dust bowl gets their attention and shaking their stick bowl. They're smart enough to associate sounds on their own so the alarm should work :)
  20. tcraighenry

    To roam or not to roam

    We're very, very cautious with playtime for our girls. We only let them out in a confined space we've cleared to make safe. (No outlets, no places to hide) But! I see a lot of people letting them do their little things in bedrooms and the like. How much do you let your chin roam? What do you...