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  1. tcraighenry

    Chin very tired after baytril?? Help!

    The baytril is probably making her not feel that well. See if you can get a probiotic and an appetite enhancer. It did wonders for my Cinnamon when she had pneumonia. We hand fed but she also ate hay. We got to her within 2 days of her going to the vet and she still lost weight but came through...
  2. tcraighenry

    There are no words...

    lol Vincenza does this. She loves to burrow under her fleece
  3. tcraighenry

    Cinnamon being handfed

    She was such a good girl after we got the additional meds too. But yeah that's never a picture I want to see again!
  4. tcraighenry

    Cinnamon being handfed

    She's all better now but have you seen a cuter sick chin? She was being such a good baby after she got the appetite enhancer and the probiotics
  5. tcraighenry

    When do chins stop growing?

    Vincenza reached full size about 2 years and 585g. She's a pink and white. She actually gets weirder with age. She's 4 now and has had all manner of behavior changes. She started burrowing under her fleece about 6 months ago. Before that she learned to go going to a specific corner in her cage...
  6. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Thank you guys :). I'm so grateful for this forum sometimes in situations like these! This is the first time we've really anything go wrong with either of these chins (except Vincenza had a cold when we adopted her but it passed.) And I learned always get a second opinion if the vet isn't used...
  7. tcraighenry

    What to buy for toys?

    I buy a lot of stuff from Whimsy: My little Cinnamon loves her Jacob's Ladder.
  8. tcraighenry


    Be careful playing sounds for chins. I was watching a YouTube video of a guinea pig making cute little sounds once. I don't know what that guinea pig said but both of my chins went into full on fear mode immediately after that lasted for about a week. It was bizarre.
  9. tcraighenry

    chinchilla sleeping on side

    He's probably fine and it has in the past freaked me the **** out. We call it Vincenza's sexy pose now because if she looks up at us, it's usually over her shoulder.
  10. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Final update! Cinnamon came through. The vet gave her a clean bill of health. Blood work is normal, her appetite is normal, she's behaving like her pre-sick self. She's back to normal. She did lose a bit of weight, which is somewhat worrying but her appetite is good.
  11. tcraighenry

    Another new problem urgent, need e-vet info

    I'm sorry about your baby :(
  12. tcraighenry

    Chin vet in Portland, OR metro area

    We took our little Cinnamon to this vet in Beaverton: Very knowledgeable and not that expensive.
  13. tcraighenry

    Houdini's surgery

    I'm so sorry about your baby :(
  14. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Just a quickie update on Cinnamon. She's still on the antibiotics, the appetite enhancer and the probiotics. She's still pooping up a storm and very wriggly. We have 3 more days of meds. The vet recommended loose hay to get her to eat something and it's working! She's grabbing stalks and...
  15. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    She's doing well! Still tired but that's likely the infection. But her ears are up and she's all chubby like she's supposed to be. Also poops. Smaller than normal but lots of poops. The vet said he saw some indication of muscle damage in the blood work (?) that he thinks is related but no...
  16. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Yeah, I was reading about that. I told my husband we should probably be prepared to do this for at least two weeks while she's on her meds. Probably three.
  17. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    This is rapidly becoming a Cinnamon sick blog. She's still off her food. The vet gave us a probiotic and an appetite enhancer that seems to be working very well for hand feeding. She's now biting down on the syringe to get food but still not eating on her own. She is looking much better than...
  18. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Just a quick update: The vet thinks it's just an infection and not pneumonia. Also he thinks the antibiotic dose is too strong. So they gave us some hay, fed her and gave some SC fluids.
  19. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    Thanks! We'll pick some up.
  20. tcraighenry

    Chin has pneumonia

    They were! Thank you, I forgot to give you props