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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C

    Mothers =\

    The purchase price of any animal is usually the cheapest part. Just last week, I spent over $500 over the course of TWO DAYS when I lost two hedgehogs. Cremation and tiny little urn cost just over $225 per hedgehog. They were dead on arrival, so euthanasia wasn't included. The last time I...
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    Shadow, July 29, 2007 to October 23, 2011

    Thank you, all. Shadow's urn arrived home with me today and Kismet's will follow (it was sent back due to an error in the name tag). I'm beginning to think I need a shelf to keep all these urns... I'm running out of room on my desk. It's getting easier to go into the hedgehog room, now that...
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    Kismet, March 5, 2007 to October 21, 2011

    Thank you, everyone. I appreciate the good thoughts. My heart still feels empty, but I'm trying to occupy myself with my other animals and some projects. I've already hatched a plan for a super cage (joining my pair of FN 142s) and enlisted my boyfriend to help... he'll find out soon enough...
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    Shadow, July 29, 2007 to October 23, 2011

    It has been a rough couple days for me. Just two days after Kismet's death, Shadow passed away as well. Shadow began her life in a pet store and was purchased as a 'cool' pet by someone who shall remain nameless. She was sold as a male and was so completely terrified of people that no one...
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    Kismet, March 5, 2007 to October 21, 2011

    Kismet was my pride and joy, my only hedgehog who wasn't a rescue in some capacity. I purchased her from Petcetera (bad me!) just a few weeks after Hemi died, as an 8-week old baby. When I saw her, I wasn't looking for a hedgehog. At that point, I was still so upset about Hemi's death that I...
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    Been Extremely Discouraged Lately

    I THINK Cuda died of natural causes. He was extremely healthy his entire life and the only time he ever visited the vet aside from his yearly exam, was for a skin infection that went away with a single round of antibiotics. About 2 weeks before his death, he lost his sight in one eye, but...
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    Chance: January 1, 2009 to March 1, 2011.

    After an ongoing yo-yoing battle with an oral infection, Chance crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 12:35pm this afternoon. When I first noticed the growth in his jaw, I took him to the vet who ran some tests and prescribed some antibiotics to take the swelling down. It worked like a charm and...
  8. C

    Awkward Question

    Just wait until you've had him long enough to pinpoint his "boy activities". Chance is notoriously difficult to medicate, but I've found he's calmer and more willing to take meds if I catch him during boy time. Luckily, it's every night at 8pm, like clockwork. LOL!
  9. C

    Hedgehog sitter needed:

    Being so close to the trip, I can't cancel without losing at least 50% of the cost.. and $1500 is a big, BIG loss. I've already scheduled him to stay at the vet clinic, but I was trying to consider his personal comfort as well. He's calmer in his own environment, with all of his things, and I...
  10. C

    Hedgehog sitter needed:

    Hey all. I’m going to Mexico on February 18 (morning), and will be returning on February 28 (evening). My roommate is going to look after my two dogs and four hedgehogs, but does not feel comfortable giving my hedgehog medication twice daily. Chance has an oral infection and requires a small...
  11. C

    Eye irritation:

    The vet called today with the biopsy results -- no cancer cells were found. So, he's thinking a bit of bone or tooth is causing the irritation and he's going to do a closer scan of the area and see if we can find the source of irritation.
  12. C

    Behavior problems, desperate for help or advice!

    He sounds like my Cuda. Cuda would actually go out of his way to bite me, sometimes lunging across the floor to latch onto my finger. He was this way for 2 years, despite me never giving him a reason to fear me. What worked the best for him was minimal handling... I would take him out nightly in...
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    Eye irritation:

    We very nearly lost Chance last night. I spent all evening with him and noticed he was getting more and more lethargic. He couldn't walk further than a few steps before collapsing and having to take a nap, he didn't have the energy to hiss... it was just sad all around. I sat with him all night...
  14. C

    Has anyone considered raw?

    Hey all. I’ve recently switched my dogs to a raw diet and have noticed amazing results in a very short time. Long story short, their fur is shiny, their teeth are white and they have loads more energy. Which led me to wonder… could a hedgehog possibly benefit from a raw or semi-raw diet? My dogs...
  15. C

    Eye irritation:

    Hello again. We (yes, both of us) just returned from the vet, who asked if I would let him send tissue samples away for testing before I made the decision to euthanize. He told me that, while there IS a chance of cancer here, the patterns don't make sense. When Chance is on antibiotics, the lump...
  16. C

    Eye irritation:

    It looks like Chance's journey with this is just about over. The swelling returned and brought a friend - a growth on his upper gum. Chance cannot close his mouth and he is constantly making that smacking/licking noise. His eye is swollen half-shut. The vet is running some tests on some tissue...
  17. C

    Eye irritation:

    So far, so good. He's on pain medication thrice daily for 7 days and antibiotics twice daily for 14 days. The pain medication was very difficult to find and resulted in me going from west Edmonton, to south Edmonton, to downtown Edmonton and back to south Edmonton when the medicine was located...
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    Eye irritation:

    For anyone still watching this thread, Chance's antibiotics did help and all swelling went away during the course of the treatment and for a week afterward. On Monday night, his entire right side of his face puffed out and his eye began to bulge again. I made him an appointment at 4pm Tuesday...
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    hide my Baytril

    I've had good luck mixing Baytril with apple juice. The vet gave me a handy tip, but it takes a little bit of practice. Suck up some juice first, then the dose of medicine and then about more apple juice. Basically, the hedgehog will get a taste of the juice, then the medicine will follow and...
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    Eye irritation:

    Oops. I meant to update this sooner. The verdict: Chance has what appears to be a minor abscess in his mouth, directly beneath the eye that is irritated. At first glance, the vet thought he had punctured his eye with a quill, but after a… fluorosteen (or similar, the name escapes me – it...