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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    Plastic exercise wheel?

    No, your chin should not have a plastic wheel, or plastic anything, in his cage. Appropriate wheels for chins are the Chin Spin, the Flying Saucer (the metal version, not the cheap plastic one sold in pet stores), and the Leo Braun Wheel. None of these are made of plastic and all have a safe...
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    Might get another chin.....

    You could try, but there is always the chance you will end up with three chins in three separate cages. It sounds more like you just want another chin than that you are looking to 'rescue' the two from the pet store. There's nothing wrong, of course, with wanting to have more chins, just as long...
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    off to pick up chins

    Hurray! Can't wait to see their pics!
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    Carefresh Natural Pet Bedding

    Carefresh also causes problems because it can expand when it gets wet, so if your chin eats it and it then expands in its gut you've got a lovely case of impaction on your hands. Shavings are cheaper and safer ;)
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    Chester the anti-establishment hedgehog

    Cute story and even cuter pics :) He sounds like quite the character ;)
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    Which one are you?

    Omg that's adorable! I am a choco-hog and spontaneous fruit-hog ;)
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    Sick, got better, now sick again...what's going on?

    Others will have more informed opinions on this than I do, but I would suspect that there might be something causing a blockage or partial obstruction in his gut which an x-ray of his gut would reveal. I would continue with the gas drops since it won't really hurt him to keep him on them and I...
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    new mom problems!

    I agree with keeping a close eye on her. Watch her water intake and food intake and make sure she's eating/drinking/pooping normally :) We've all experienced little oops moments when a chin is out for a play and gets into something he or she shouldn't. We learn from it and move forward...
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    I use a vinegar and hot water mix
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    What a WEEK!

    Whoa! Congrats congrats to you and all your mommas!
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    What a WEEK!

    Love that your busy days have resulted in adorable pictures that I can peruse while I de-stress after a long work day!
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    Loud noises at bedtime. Help!

    Chins do this for a couple reasons. One is when they hear a noise that spooks them, then they make the sound you are describing as sort of an instinctual call to 'warn the herd.' Another reason is that sometimes when a chin is sleeping and dreaming they make those noises, perhaps because...
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    Possibly Pregnant Chinchilla, Still Unsure

    If she is potentially pregnant (and potentially close to a due date) you need to put her into a baby safe cage asap. Was May the last time she had contact with the male?
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    Identify this pet?

    Aww, little baby rat <3
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    My 2 biggest chins

    Oh my goodness they're huge! They each weigh almost as much as two of my boys put together. Big, beautiful chins :)
  16. B

    Can chinchillas have dried papaya?

    Some will argue that a little wee piece of dried papaya once every week or two is of no harm to a chin. Most do not give a chin ANY dried fruit whatsoever and stick to safe treats like apple sticks and dried rosehips. Either way, 2-3 pieces per day is extremely dangerous. Why? Because stomachs...
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    new type FN for 3rd level on top of old FN type

    I remember this thread but also can't find it. I believe you have to drill holes into the bottom of the corners to attach it to the old style FN. You'll also have to purchase or make your own connector pieces.
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    Chins should definitely not be kept in a room that is regularly around 75/76. They need to be in a cooler temp controlled room and, not to sound harsh, but if you can't provide them with that then you shouldn't have them.
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    My babies ^-^

    Is he wearing a collar?
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    Silly chin sitting position

    Love it! I have one who chills out like that too :D