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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    Unexpected Baby Chinchilla

    Also, based on your post it seems like maybe the kit does not have its eyes open - is this the case? If so, you need to gently open them. There are threads on here relating to that topic and others can hopefully speak from experience
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    Hello! (:

    Welcome to the forum and best of luck with your goals and congrats on those that you have already achieved! The New Owner section has tons of great advice and if you use the 'search' function you can easily find answers to specific questions or problems. This website also has some fantastic...
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    Fed chinchilla pasta piece that was too large

    Eating/drinking/pooping is a prime question and if any of those are off I would be rushing to a chin-experienced vet asap. Also: pasta is not a chin safe treat. Dried rosehips, a pinch of old-fashioned plain oats, maybe a little wee shredded wheat square or plain cheerio every now and again...
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    Wisdom teeth?

    I had all four of mine removed two years ago and it took almost two months for things to be healed up and no longer in pain. I still have a 'dead zone' on my face - an area with no feeling, only pins and needles - which apparently resulted from nerve damage done while they were getting the teeth...
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    Urgent!! Chinchilla Cut off Circulation(?)

    This chin needs to go a vet ASAP! There could be any number of complications resulting from this incident (bone breaks, intestinal problems, etc.) that could be life-threatening
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    A milestone for a molar-less malo chin

    I have also have very positive experiences with a molar-less chin who had had root extension malo :) In the end he died of a stroke, but he lived without his molars very successfully and hoppily. The molars needed to be removed in stages as my vet said otherwise it is too much for a chin to...
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    What Food do you Feed? How much? And Chin Kitchens?

    I feed alderpark, a pellet milled on Vancouver Island.
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    Cuddle pilow or bed

    Chinchic sells a 'danish donut' and other chin-cuddleables that would do the trick
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    Is this the hay ball that is unsafe?

    You can use fleece bags or terracotta flower pots as alternative hay holders. I have some larger coop bowls that I use paired with flower pots...not that this prevents them from dragging their hay all around the cage anyways lol
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    Meal Time

    I feed Alderpark pellets, from Vancouver Island - my chins prefer it to oxbow or mazuri
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    Thought this was interesting

    This is my favourite piece of news that I've read all day!
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    Pics of my girl

    Adorableness :)
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    I would not risk it. Chins that have started to fight are very likely to fight again. A ferret nation is ideal because you can separate them and they will both have lots of space :) One risk of having more than one chin is that they might turn on each other and it's important to do what is right...
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    The Kritter Castle Cage from

    I think it looks fine, but keep in mind that you would need to take out those ramps asap and install a lot of your own ledges to make the space more dynamic. Personally, for the price I would just get a double FN on sale since they have a long, solid reputation and I know the bars are strong...
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    First day home

    It takes time for chins to settle in to a new habitat with new humans. Just go at her pace, nice and slow, and eventually she'll stop thinking that you intend to eat her :) Likely she is not chomping you because she doesn't like you but because she is trying to figure out what you are all about...
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    Winter Temperatures

    Mine are around 65-68 year round.
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    Meet Smudge!!!!!!

    Beautiful :) Congratulations on your new fur-baby!
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    He's here

    Aww! Major cuteness :) Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing tales of his adventures