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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheri7

    Chinspin and flying saucers for sale

    Is the small flying saucer ok for an adult chin?
  2. sheri7

    Chinspin and flying saucers for sale

    Do you still have the flying saucer?
  3. sheri7

    Experienced Maryland Vet to Neuter Male

    I'm not sure if they do neuturing but you might try Falls Road Animal Hospital. I took my girl there to see a Dr Herko when she was sick.
  4. sheri7

    Chinchilla Taxidermy (??)

    I like the idea of saving a piece of pelt. How would you go about that?
  5. sheri7

    Is it a girl thing?

    I keep a big mat under my cage. I got it at Home Depot - its sort of like an indoor outdoor rug on one side and rubber on the bottom.....I just flipped it over so the rubber side is up and the rug part is down.
  6. sheri7

    Beef Wellington!

    How cute with the little tiny camera!!
  7. sheri7

    meet my little boy

    Sooooooooo cute!
  8. sheri7

    question about water and handling

    Are you sure its blood? Sometimes their pee can be very dark and when it starts to dry it can look like blood.
  9. sheri7

    some random pics of my gang

    Those are some of the cutest chin pics I've seen!!
  10. sheri7


    Mochi is adorable. She looks just like my Annabel
  11. sheri7

    Two chinchillas up for adoption in pet store

    I got my 2 girls together off of craigslist, they are mother and daughter. I am really happy I got the pair as they get along great and love eachother. I can't imagine having 2 is much more expensive than one.
  12. sheri7

    Begging for wood ;-)

    I can attest that Carolines sticks are awesome and my girls love it. I just received like 8 lbs from her. Good stuff!
  13. sheri7


    I also have the Marshall Playpen around the areas of the room I don't wan't them to get to and its fantastic. Although one of my girls can jump that high she usually doesn't even try. I stay in with them while they are out and I can tell when she gets it in her head to try to jump and then I...
  14. sheri7

    Rub a dub dub

    AWWW, so cute!
  15. sheri7

    Favorite poses?

    How about "the beg"
  16. sheri7

    Show Off Your Critter Nations!

    I love your double hammock. Where did you get it?
  17. sheri7

    Cage suggestions?

    Quality Cages are great except for the width of the door opening. I called them this week about another question I had about their shelves and I told the lady if the cage could be improved in any way it would be the door. She thanked me for the suggestion and said she'd run it by their cage maker.
  18. sheri7

    Opinions on 11" Chin Spin and Metal Shelves for QC

    Thanks guys. I won't waste my money on the smaller chin spin, I'll either leave it out or get the full size.....I'm just afraid it will take up half the condo. I think I'll definitely try the metal shelves though. Anyone ever try those?
  19. sheri7

    Rescue Babies

    OMG!! How adorable, they all seem to be fighting to be the star or the video! Look at me, no look at me. Look I can climb! LOL Daredevils for sure. Love the end when they both lay on mom.
  20. sheri7

    Do you prefer sweet or smart chins?

    haha! Mine are little *****es, but I love them anyway.