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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheri7

    Supplier who sells Chin pops?

    Does anyone know who sells a chin pop treat? Its basically like a little homemade chin cookie attached to a tiny little stick. I can't for the life of me remember who I ordered them from in the past.
  2. sheri7

    Las Vegas Delivery

    What size Chin Spin? How much for shipping?
  3. sheri7

    How to block off furniture

    I always recommend the Marshall Small Pet Playpen, you can configure it any way you like. I think its great and you can buy extra panels. I don't bother with the lid...
  4. sheri7

    Christmas Cage Decor

    Wow, thats alot of stuff. I think I need to do some christmas shopping for my girls.
  5. sheri7

    Crashed out!

    Hmm, image won't open :(
  6. sheri7

    Crashed out!

    My girls, grumpy Annie on the left and crashed out Jezzie on the right. Unfortunately I woke her up when cleaning the cage.
  7. sheri7

    My chin ate gum containing xylitol! Help!

    Hope he's ok. How's he doing?
  8. sheri7

    Recent change in behavior

    You might try getting one one these play pens I have one and it works great. You just put it around where you don't want her to get in. Don't bother getting the cover. I think chins get scared in big open places. Maybe your living...
  9. sheri7

    quality cage metal shelf

    I bought some and haven't had any problems with them, but I only swapped out 2 of them and also left some wooden shelves in the cage as well.
  10. sheri7

    Grape vine! blackberry & more. Bulk available!

    Do you still have Grapevine and Apple? If so I'll take a medium box of each. I've never tried Blackberry so would also be interested in a small box. Let me know. Thanks!!
  11. sheri7

    Processed Apple wood

    Looking for Apple if you still have some. Please let me know. Thanks!!
  12. sheri7

    Looking for a new cage set-up! Help!

    Yes I agree Ziether's setup is amazing. Would love to know where you got all that stuff.
  13. sheri7

    New cage setup

    Wow, you are very handy. Very nice!
  14. sheri7

    Cuddly Chinnies!

    Aww so cute, I want to cuddle up with them.
  15. sheri7

    Please help me and my Chinchilla!

    Hope she's OK. Keep us posted
  16. sheri7

    This is sleepy Niko

    Soo cute!
  17. sheri7

    Is it just me or....

    Cute funny bunny ears
  18. sheri7

    Ferret Nation Sale - $105

    Aw crap. I saw this a few weeks ago and was undecided as to whether I was going to get one (I have a perfectly good quality cage chinchilla mansion). I decided yesterday that I would go ahead and get one but I guess I'm not now. You snooze you lose :(
  19. sheri7

    Light colored poo?

    That happened to 1 of my chins too, not sure what it was but it also went away on its own. The only thing I could attribute it to was I had given her a different kind of wood chew sticks that were lighter in color.
  20. sheri7

    plywood as a "wall" in a room?

    The Marshall Small Animal Playpen is the best thing I ever bought for my chins. Actually I bought 2 of them. I keep my chins in a small office and I put the gates in front of the desk and anywhere else I want to keep them out of - including wordwork. The panels link together so you can make...