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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Chinobsessed

    Sleepy chin

    Awww, he must be starting to trust and bond with you. :)
  2. Chinobsessed

    Grrr... Midwest, Whhhhhy!?

    So, I am currently building a new cage for a future rescue chinchilla ( You'll be seeing an introduction post about him next week ;) ) and when I received my brand new ferret nation, the door panel came damaged. I contacted Midwest and they agreed to send a replacement. It came today and I...
  3. Chinobsessed

    Youtuber's Chinchilla 'Situation'

    Oh, and not to mention the worrisome plastic in Chi Chi's cage and lack of simulation like toys or a wheel? :hmm: It makes me worried that he's broadcasting to such a huge audience the way he takes care of these chins.
  4. Chinobsessed

    Youtuber's Chinchilla 'Situation'

    (Hopefully this isn't in the wrong fourm, I didn't know where to put it exactly...!) Recently, it has come to my attention that a very popular youtuber by the name of Wassabi Productions, or Roi, has purchased a young companion chin for his current female, Chi Chi. He has made 3 videos of his...
  5. Chinobsessed

    Chins by State (and country)!

    From 11/5/09 forward, if you have a website and you are adding your name to this list, please go ahead and make a link to it by highlighting your name after you've typed it, then click on the little icon at the top of the message window that looks like a globe with a chain on it, so others may...
  6. Chinobsessed

    Neutering and weight!

    I agree with everybody above, stay away from neutering. Use the money you would use for the neuter fee and buy another cage and/or supplies.
  7. Chinobsessed

    Free - Chin cage and supplies, Richmond, Virginia

    Only pickup, or are you able to ship if I pay?
  8. Chinobsessed

    Greetings from new chin Mom

    Welcome, she sure is a stunner. :)
  9. Chinobsessed

    Our chin is very sick

    I am so sorry to hear that your furbaby is not doing well. You did the right thing by taking her to the vet, even if no one in your area had experience with chinchillas. Just because they haven't had experience with them, it's better than nothing. Definitely keep a close eye on her, hopefully...
  10. Chinobsessed

    Lots of questions!

    That's an AMAZING set up for a cage when buying a chin! Like Amethyst said, most chins come in cheap plastic one level guinea pig cages. The material of the hammock does not appear to be fleece so make sure that you replace it/ get rid of it before any chewing occurs.
  11. Chinobsessed

    i dont know if my chin is happy or not.

    He seems very happy to me! He's lucky to have such a thoughtful owner! :D
  12. Chinobsessed

    Chinchilla unexpectedly passed away?

    This is from somewhat a while ago, but the same thing actually happened to me last summer. I used to have a female white mosaic chin named Luna and she was the sassiest and carefree thing I'd ever come across. One day, though, she just lost her normal attitude and refused to eat or drink. We...
  13. Chinobsessed

    Would my chinchilla like a companion?

    If you are prepared for every scenario that might happen, even the worst, then you can go ahead and try it out. Definitely have a back up plan, though.
  14. Chinobsessed

    Help! Introduction of New Chin- going good or bad?

    I was going to reply to this, but Smidgeyy and Amethyst literally took the words out of my mouth. Or, in this case, keyboard?
  15. Chinobsessed

    Chin waving??

    I haven't exactly heard anything like this so I can't help much other than to tell you hope for someone who has had experience with this issue. If the problem persists with no explanation, I would definitely get your veterinarian involved.
  16. Chinobsessed

    How much alfalfa for a young chin?

    I agree with Amethyst. Those little guys are still growing so any extra nutrition would be great! Usually babies can be given unlimited amounts!
  17. Chinobsessed

    Did Oxbow just change from a 5lbs bag to a 3lbs bag at the same price

    Ugrh! When I rescue another chinchilla too!